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( Chapter (5

Murat decided to go her home and confess every thing to her family even if he had to be hit by her brother Amir .While he was going to her home and near of it he saw Serine entering the car with her brother she is leaving to the University. Murat was running after the car and shouting for her but she didn’t listen and he couldn’t catch her. Murat made his way back to home while he was standing out side the home waiting for some body to open the door he looked at Serines house and lost his mine and didn’t listen his mother when she said for him to enter she say it many times then she saw what he is looking too . Murat enter the house and sit on his room .his mam Amelia know why he lost his mind and got sad she prepared a good soup for him and went for his room . “My baby I made for you a good soup do you want to eat ?”she said .”No,thanks mam I am not hungry now.”Murat replayed but his mam didn’t left him alone.”OK as you want but tell me did you see Serine today at the party ?”his mama Amelia asked . Murat was amazed “how mam know and I didn’t tell her any thing?” . “Don’t make this face I am your mother I can know what is in you heart and in your mind even when you don’t tell me so are you going to tell me every thing ?” his mother Amelia said . Murat begun in telling her every thing from the first year at middle school until this day . His mam was surprised”Oh Allah you have been loving this girl from 6 years and didn’t tell her and I don’t know then what about her ?” . Murat begun in telling her what his friend and girls did so they made them broke up . The boys when they saw Serine walking on the street they got Murat and let him move on other way or stand in half circle on front of him so he could not see her and his leg got broken and didn’t go school for one year and then school wasn’t important and no one was attending it .They were studying at home . “Murat what happened happened we cant change the past but you love this girl from you heart for 6 years don’t worry if Allah we you guys to meet so you will meet so don’t be sad but think now how to be good man if you meet her again OK .”his mam said .Serine entered Cambridge university for business &management studies while Murat entered Bath university for business &management studies also .Serine had a full scholarship from the university she felt lonely their as also she was excellent at her studies but she didn’t felt perfect and she didn’t know why ?. Murat also had a full scholarship from Bath university he good and loved by his class mates and his doctors but he was missing Serine every day and every time he dreamed about her and him how are they walking together and holding each other hand and smiling and laughing .Serine was having few friends and then begin in asking her how is your boyfriend look like ?? Serine laughed . they guessed this because she doesn’t talk to boy in university in anything except than study and subject .her friends asked her a lot and a lot”Serine come on tell us .. or didn’t you have a boy in your life ever ?” Serine she lost her mind in thoughts she remembered Murat and all what was on the past for minute .”Serine … Serine”her friends shouted and Serine smiled . “oh girls that mean that there was one in her life and she still love him ohhh Serine you are big that we imagine so tell us your great love story we are listening . “ Serine told them every thing .”ohh Serine great really to have this story .” her friend said . “it is now all from past what happened happened we cant get back and change what happened in the past and our story wasn’t meant to end like fairy tale stories that what I called reality .”but Serine tell how he look like ?do you have a picture for him ?and the important thing do you still love him can you forgive him ??.”her friend asked.”I have only one picture for him and it is in my small part of my brain he was beautiful ,smart,decent and he was charming with his golden brown hair and greenish brown eye and tall he was beautiful in every way I liked him but I have a lot of pain because of him and school and about I can forgive him or still love him I cant say anything because my heart doesn’t fell anything except this pain and it is all now end we are going to work after few years no time to think about the past on it I think there is nothing else you want to know and we have to go now right .” every body was thinking what will happen if they meet again or what was going to happen if they didn’t broke up from the first . Murat was looking at a photo when his classmate bothered him and took this photo from him . “oh Murat bay who is this girl in this photo ?”his friend asked .”hey silly boy give my photo back please .” his friend was enjoying asking him “no .. no not before you tell me all the story about this photo.” Murat told him that she is an old friend . “you are lying if you weren’t how many photos of old friend you have stop lying and tell me every thing .” Murat had no choice than telling him every thing .”oh man you are legend in love you should be having your love story written but I am telling you that you are lucky man very luck to have this girl she is so beautiful if I was you and meet her again I will not leave her .” “who tell you that if I meet her again I am going to leave her .”this photo that Murat had was old photo for Serine since the day he met her in fall in love with her he took this photo without her knowing she was smiling for friend and he took the photo . Serine was sitting and looking at the university lovers and thought is this real love is Murat really loved me so why we broke up is he really my second part but all man are same they fake us and cheat us . I think I will never find my man even if I find if I will not be able to love again I only can give him pain until my heart learn to love again . Years .. after years ..after years Serine graduate from Cambridge university and become Marketing executive in important company for fashion magazine on the other hand Murat graduate and became also as Serine Marketing executive in Chanel for clothes. They both begun their work life Serine forget all about past but she only think about Murat from time to time .”Is this the reason for lack of a sense of completeness?” that was the question on Serine s head . Murat never forget her he only pray for miracle to happen so he can know any thing about her or to meet her again . With this life and missing and broken heart is there any hope for meeting each other again ??

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