Near to fall in love

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                     Chapter (10)

A while after they realized that they were hugging .Serine pushed herself back suddenly she seem so shy and tried to explain but she was speechless . “Don’t worry it was a friend hug right nothing ales.”Murat said and smiled on Serine .Serine was so speechless even she couldn't replay on Murat ,she was so shy her cheeks got red Murat know this . “ so should we go now ?” Murat asked Serine nodded her head . They went out of the school they walked until they reached the bus station .” Can you wait me here I be will back after while . “ Murat left Serine in the school bus station . Serine looked around her she notice that this place were she broke up with Murat in the middle school but she didn't feel that pain that every time she felt from 10 years. Murat came back with 2 Wonka chocolates gave Serine one and begun in eating it .Murat looked at her in love way as in past when she and he took the same chocolate . “ I think we need to go now or we will not find something to eat .” “ you are right we should move now.”Serine and Murat made their way to south port,Lancashire but as always Serine fall in sleep in the middle . Murat saw her sleeping in way will hurt her neck and cause her big headache so he stopped the car and made the pack of her chair go down like bed so she could sleep well” I don’t know how can you sleep like this .? “ Murat asked him self wondering. Serine waked up before they arrive home by half hour and starred do her make up again and check her cloth if they were looking good. Serine entered Murat house and everyone was there . “ Serine wait here I have person you must meet .” Murat said and Serine nodded her head. “ Amelia..Amelia where is you my love ? I have person you my must meet . “ Murat shout for his Mama with her name . Serine got captured . “ Is this his fiancee but he didn't tell me that he have a fiancee , but why I get worried now I don’t fall in love with him right ? We are only friend and I should be happy for him but why I cant feel happy feel that I cant breath ?” that what was rotating at Serine head. Serine saw Murat coming with beautiful woman . “ Serine this the person that I wanted you to meet this person I love so much this ..this .. “Murat stopped from talking because while he was talking to Serine he looked at her eyes and it seem that Serine got jealous . “ I must be imaging right Serine got jealous on me does she love me again ?.” Murat said inside his self while he was looking at her eyes . “ Murat .. Murat aren't you going to tell me who is she ?” Serine asked . “ Yes, sorry I got lost this my mother Serine .” Serine got shocked . “ You must be Serine Murat friend from work but you are more beautiful that he described you I am happy that you could come today . “ Mother Amelia said . “ Yes I am Serine Murat friend from work and school too I am 24 years old and

I am happy that I meet you and I am here please treat me as your daughter.” “Murat you friend is high raised up she really talk in very elegant and respected way good take of her or you know what will I do ?”Mother Amelia then she left because the gusts were calling for her . “ wow you can call your mam with her name that seem cool right ? But tell me what will she do if you don’t look after me well.” Serine said . “ Why you ask hard question but at the end have to tell you she will not cook my favorite break fast for work omelet egg made with cup of coffee and cup cake . “Serine looked flabbergasted . “ why you look like this ?” Murat asked wondering. “ You said that this is your favorite breakfast and it is mine too why we look so similar but don’t worry even if your mother didn't do it just call me and I will do one for us you must eat mine too one day . “”OK I will wait one after this weekend at first day of work witch mean next Sunday.” Murat showed Serine her room and then left . he was happy because Serine for the first time say us he was very happy . Serine changed her cloth in more causal cloth she was wearing white blouse and brown sport trouser and sandal on her foot . Serine was wetting for Murat but finally he came out . He was wearing with t shirt and blue shorts . Serine look at and she had attention on him he was charming and looking manly with his bodybuilding that mean Murat play sports . “ Now every young man and woman here goes out to start our B.B.R Olympic before preparing the lunch it is our tradition.”Mother Amelia said .Everybody is amused it is something new and look enjoyable and all of them went out to start playing. “Please all the girls take paper from this box and then tell us what the name inside .” Mother Amalia said . Serine took one carelessly and then she opened it and shock took her it was Murat name on the paper. “ Now girls after you took a name that mean the name inside the paper is your partner in Olympic Games . “Serine got more shocked and then she moved and stand up beside Murat . “ Why you are Standing beside me hhhhhh it seem that your luck chose me.” the first game was running Serine asked Murat to let her take the running one while he take the swimming one but he refused but Serine kept asking him until he accept . Serine started warming up for the running game and Murat gave her some advice and other warming up before the game .”All the runners please go to the start line to begin the game. “ Serine went to the start line and took the steady position . “ Serine I am sure you will win I still remember your cheat run hhh anyway I want to say don’t worry I will be here for you with you even what happen I will courage and support you till the end of at this line you will find me I will be wetting for you I trust you.” Murat said and left Serine to start the game . Serine felt something in her heart something tell her to win but not for herself but to Murat to win and to do all her best she was very happy when she heard this words from Murat but she didn't know why?. Take your places ...ready …. go.”the watcher say when Serine hear the whistle ,she started to run more faster and faster even she was really cheat and they were afraid that she got faint . Serine was the first one who was near to the finish line she saw Murat shout for her when she reached the finish line . Murat hold her up in the air and rotate with her and she was opening her hand in the air like a bird who learn how to fly . Murat went to heat up before the swimming cool . Serine went to cheer him up . “ Serine why you look worry is there something wrong , are you okay ?”Murat asked . “.”there is nothing but it seem little cold it is the time between spring and winter we just waiting the rain to say that spring came and this weather might get you a cold after you out of the water so it is not problem if you didn't participant in the game or I can go instead of you , no I will go .” “ No you aren't going any where I will participant OK but It seem that you got worried on me if I was not mistaken do you love me ? ” “ Shut up does any one tell you that you are silly you deserve to take cold , go and practice more if you want to win even I know you will .” “ I will win for you . “ Murat said and then left for the practice . This word was touched for Serine s heart . Serine stand in the other part of the pool which the swimming race will end at . The race started and Serine begun in cheering Murat very high every one know Serine say if she wasn't Serine they know as she was changed to someone more butter and good . Murat can feel Serine cheering and he can imagine how is her face reaction and her laugh . Murat swum faster ..faster so he could win as he promised Serine . Murat was the first of the race he was near to the end . Serine bowed and stretched her hand so she help Murat to go up . “ Murat .. Murat keep in going you are near .”Serine said .Murat reached the end First and Serine pushed him up . Serine was happy and shouted she give him a towel to keep him warm as she could and not to caught cold . Murat went to change while Serine went to the kitchen to help in preparing the launch . “ Mam where is Serine ?” Murat asked ..” She is in the Kitchen cooking for the launch . “ Murat went to the kitchen and tried to scare Serine but she caught him.” Never think of doing it . “ Serine said .” OK I will not but I will help you I want to cook . “” Never think of it boy are not good at kitchen . “” Are you sure I can cook some meals such as chicken soup and a lot kind of salad . “” Really if you can do this I will let you help . “” So what I should do ?” Murat asked .” OK both of us will do different kind of soups and salad and I will be responsible for spicing the meet and you grilling it OK.” Serine said and both start constraining as always , after while Murat and Serine asked each other in the same time . “ May you please taste this . ?” they fall in laugh and feed each other . “ I think I will change my mind about boys are not good at cooking because the soup is pretty good .” Serine said . “Serine and the spicing is really fantastic I think everybody will love your cooking I think I will drop my mother cooking and let you cook for me

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