The First Kiss

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John opened the door that led to 221B Baker Street. Sherlock was looking out the window, playing a sweet, soothing melody on his violin. John coughed to get Sherlock's attention.

"Um, Sherlock?" John asked timidly. Sherlock turned around to face John, still playing. "Sherlock, I was wondering...would you like to go out to dinner with...well, me?" Sherlock looked confused.

"Who else would I go out to dinner with?" he asked. "No one else can stand me, John!"

"Sherlock, I meant...go out to dinner, like on a....on" John bowed his head and shuffled his feet, embarrassed. His cheeks started to turn pink.

Sherlock had stopped playing violin. He was standing perfectly still, staring at John, not speaking. "I mean...nevermind." said John as he turned briskly towards the door. He tore up the stairs to his room, like a child who had just been scolded.

After a moment, Sherlock blinked. "Oh, John..." he whispered, setting his violin down. Then louder, "JOHN!" and he ran up the stairs after his best friend. When he got to the door of John's room, he pause. He wasn't good at emotional encounters, and he knew John wasn't either. For John to have asked him out....that took courage that Sherlock didn't know if he himself possessed. Oh well.

"John, of cour-" said Sherlock, bursting through the door. He stopped when he saw John.

John was sitting on the end of his bed. He was bent over, his hands covering his face and his elbows resting on his knees. What had he been thinking? He was sobbing, tears streaming down his face.

He's crying, thought Sherlock. John doesn't cry, why was he crying? He knelt down in front of John, taking his best friends hands. "John," he whispered. "Of course I'll go out to dinner with you!" Sherlock chuckled, and wiped John's tears away. John sat up, and Sherlock kissed his forehead. John smiled a watery, tearful smile.

"You will? You really want to go on a...on a date" Sherlock chuckled again.

"Who else?" he whispered into John's ear.

Smiling, Sherlock stood up, pulling John up with him. "Now", said Sherlock,"we had best get dressed, We have a dinner to attend to." John laughed out loud at Sherlock's buissness-like tone.

As Sherlock turned to leave, John said' "Wait!" and reached up on the tips of his toes, placing his hands on Sherock's cheeks, and kissed him.



"I love you, Sherlock Holmes. I always have, and always will." Sherlock looked into John's eyes, and kissed him again.

"I love you too, John Hamish Watson. Since the first minute we met. I will always love my blogger."


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