Tag || Chapter ten

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"Hyun!!" Jungkook called as you walked down the stairs trying your best to shadow Jungkook as he practically fell down half the steps in excitement, and you heard his older brother reply. "Yeah?"
"Wanna play hide and seek?" Jungkook suggested, his face lighting up a warm giddy smile as he turned the corner to the kitchen. "Sure!" His brother agreed immediately, and you felt yourself play with your fingers awkwardly.

Jungkooks house was pretty big, big enough to have a large game of Hide and Seek and not be found for atleast twenty minutes. You didn't know the place that well, but you were sure you'd find some good hiding spots that the Jeon brothers wouldn't find you in.

Jungkook was the first to count. The rules were he would have to count for one minute, but for this one time it'd be one and a half for your sake, props to their generosity. His brother whispered a few good places just after you left the kitchen, and then he darted up the stairs.

You turned another corner and found a closet door, like his brother recommended, but found inside the closet there was a set of stairs leading somewhere else.
You shrugged, willing to take the chance of getting abducted by goblins if it meant you'd win the game.

You climbed down the stone stairs, noticing how the temperature decreased dramatically. You remembered to close the door behind you, and was sure to move quickly as (more than likely) Jungkook won't count for as long as he should.

After making it to the last step, you noticed how dark the room was. You held your phone flashlight, expecting to see bats, but instead found a clean and tidy laundry room.


Inside the room, at the furthest corner, there was another door.
How big is this place?!

You opened it to find it had clothes hung up on racks, and decided this would be your hiding spot.
You settled behind some of the clothes, sure you'd be well hidden from the muscly bunny seeker that was Jungkook.

Ten minutes pass, and the light of the room hadn't even turned on, as none shone under the cupboard door. Your adrenaline was still there, though, as you anticipated Jungkook suddenly opening the door.

A few more minutes, and nothing. Not a sound, apart from the small whirring of the washing machine.

You hugged your phone close to your body, swearing that there was a creak from somewhere upstairs. You wondered if Hyun had been found yet.

Another creak. This one in another side, closer to the laundry room door.
There's no way he'll find me here, though.

Just as you were about to open the cupboard door slightly to check if it was clear, the door came flying open and you screamed in fright.

It was still pitch black, but after a moment, you heard Jungkook chuckle. "Were you there the whole time?!" You felt your heart race, and could tell Jungkook was finding this hilarious.
"That's the most typical place to hide, y/n." He chuckled into the darkness, and you felt a hand land on your forearm.

"C'mon, let's find Hyun. I could hear him moving around from down here." Jungkook was probably merrily smiling, it's just it was too dark to tell. You wondered how he could see so well.

"Ah, Jungkook is too good at this game!" Hyun whined as Jungkook caught him as soon as he walked into the master bedroom. You were laughing at their antics as Jungkook smacked his older brothers arm for calling him a 'cheater', and Jungkook in turn used you as a shield as his brother wanted payback.

"Y/N! Save me!" Jungkook called as Hyun circled you to try and grab his mischievous little brother, and you were trying to defend Jungkook.

"Y/N! Are you on Jungkooks side?!" Hyun asked in playful disbelief. You nodded proudly, holding Jungkook securely behind you with one arm. Hyun gasped at your loyalty, and you knew Jungkook was smirking. You could just tell by his playful demeanour; it radiated throughout the whole room.

You felt a tug at the bottom of your sleeve, and before you knew it, you were being dragged behind Jungkook at phenomenal speeds away from his brother.

"You're it!" Jungkook shouted, grasping your hand tightly as you practically flew down the stairs. You heard Hyun not too far behind, and as you rounded a corner, you halted to a stop in the centre of the grand kitchen.

"You're it this time!" Jungkook looked smug, and you felt him move a little infront of you, his hand behind his back which was still holding yours, hiding from Jung-Hyun. You tried not to concern yourself about it at the moment, because you were having fun.

Hyun groaned, and leaned against the wall facing away from the door, "you've got one minute," he promised, and you heard his countdown begin.
Jungkook glanced back at you, using his free hand to put a finger to his lips and pulled you out of the door and towards the stairs.

As you reached the top of the stairs, you tredded towards his room and closed the door behind you.
He pulled you along to the end of the room, and towards the large wardrobe.
"We can both fit, come on."

He propped himself in first, sitting cramped in the corner. He raised his eyebrows expectantly as you simply stared, deciding wether it was a good idea or not. "Come on, Y/N!" He encouraged, reaching his hand out toward you.

You took it, letting him pull you in.

It wasn't as big as you had initially thought, and you ended up sitting right on his lap - his head uncomfortably behind one of your shoulders.

After a few minutes in the darkness, you decided it wasn't comfortable enough, and slid forward slightly. Your butt was no longer resting right on his lap, more his thighs, and his head was sitting on your shoulder. You felt his hand move up to move the clothing so it was less exposed if his brother opened the cupboard, but you still doubted he wouldn't find you soon.

You contemplated why Jungkook chose the closet of all places - his house was large, so there would have ought to be some good spots. His brother recommended a few great ones earlier, but it seemed as though Jungkook made this decision last second; even though you had ages to spare.

So, yeah. You sat there, slightly tingly as his breath traced your neck and one of his hands was on your waist.

"Y/N..." he whispered into the darkness, and you felt your heart rate quicken.

Oh, god...


Remember, updates are now every Tuesday!

Please let me know what you're thinking so far, and leave a comment and vote. It really helps us grow as authors :)

Also, fair warning that everything goes uphill real fast from this point. Good luck ;)

Mere x

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