86. "IRL"

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GaYbe🍭: ...

🍔Cass🐝: What does "IRL" means?

Samsquatch🥗: "In Real Life"

🍔Cass🐝: Aren't we already in real life?

ThePieMan🍕: It's complicated...

GaYbe🍭: Maybe?

ThePieMan🍕: No it really is...

Satan😈🖕: I've waited too damn long for this: it better be good!

ThePieMan🍕: Oh. We're not talking about the same thing

Crowley👑: Ding, Ding, Ding, /moron/.

🍔Cass🐝: Shut up, Crowley --'

Crowley👑: Growl😉❤

ThePieMan🍕: Back the fuck off 😠.

Satan😈🖕: Feisty Winchester! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

GaYbe🍭: How

Samsquatch🥗: The

GaYbe🍭: Fuck

Crowley👑: why so rude feathers? 😢

Samsquatch🥗: did

GaYbe🍭: you

Samsquatch🥗: Do

GaYbe🍭: THAT?!

Satan😈🖕: With the power of atheism.

ThePieMan🍕: What?

Crowley👑: Pls stop ignoring me!

ThePieMan🍕: That doesn't make ANY sense!


Crowley👑: I just want to be loved!

Satan😈🖕: meh

Satan😈🖕: Doesn't mean I believe in myself....

GaYbe🍭: Well, that turned out real sad real fast...

GaYbe🍭: You okay in there bro?

Satan😈🖕: *disappears into thin air because already dead inside*

Crowley👑: I really enjoy the fact that nobody noticed that I just quoted my dead self.

Samsquatch🥗: Crowley, for Chuck's sake, will you shut up!

Crowley👑: 😢

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