54. The perks of being Satan

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🍔Cass🐝 logged in

ThePieMan🍕: Cass!

GaYbe🍭: Hey Bro!

Samsquatch🥗: Hello

GaYbe🍭: It's me...

Samsquatch🍭: Oh god no...

GaYbe🍭: I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet...

Samsquatch🥗: Kill me

ThePieMan🍕: Don't tempt him...

🍔Cass🐝: I do not understand what is happening...

Crowley👑: The end, Castiel, the END.

GaYbe🍭: I thought you liked my singing!

Samsquatch🥗: ...

Samsquatch🥗: What are you doing with Gabe's phone.

GaYbe🍭: ...What?

GaYbe🍭: Sam it's me...

Samsquatch🥗: Yeah right

GaYbe🍭: What's going on?

Satan😈🖕 is back in this wonderful conversation bitches

GaYbe🍭: Seriously dude, how can you do that?

Satan😈🖕: The perks of being Satan

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