76. Racist Dean & Satan's favorites games

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Satan😈🖕: Seriously though, who the fuck are you?

🍩Narrator💬: ... Aaaaand the swearings back again. Yay.

ThePieMan🍕: I hate to agree with it or whatever, but it's right: who the hell are you?

Satan😈🖕: "it"?!

ThePieMan🍕: Well yeah... Sorry to break it up to you, buddy, but you're far from being human!

🍩Narrator💬: And for that you call him a IT?!?

ThePieMan🍕: ...

ThePieMan🍕: It's not human.

Samsquatch🥗: Wow.

GaYbe🍭: My sarcasm senses are tingling!!

Samsquatch🥗: I believe it would be me

Satan😈🖕: And what if I'm not?! I still have feeling!!

ThePieMan🍕: Really? Huh. Just learn something.

Mikey🐁: Shut the hell up, Winchester.😠

ThePieMan🍕: Or what?!😂

ThePieMan🍕: You're stuck in the cage!!😂

🍩Narrator💬: Dean... Are you saying that because he's not human perse, that he's got no emotion?!

ThePieMan🍕: ...

ThePieMan🍕: I believe I am...

🍩Narrator💬: To quote Sam earlier: Wow.


Samsquatch🥗: Gabe, honey?

GaYbe🍭: Yes, Sweetheart?

Samsquatch🥗: Sorry to break it up to you but you already made this joke!

GaYbe🍭: OH NO!😳😳

🍩Narrator💬: ... And like I was saying BEFORE BEING INTERRUPTED😡 (I forgive you 'cause for the moment you're the only cute OTP in this book)...

Samsquatch🥗: Sorry😅

Mikey🐁: Wait... Story?!

🍩Narrator💬: You know what? At this point I think you all know that it's way too late for the Fourth Wall. The poor little guy... He's just dust on the floor now...☹️😭

ThePieMan🍕: /he/?!

GaYbe🍭: I'm curious to know how you put your text like that in a conversation...

GaYbe🍭: Well, more like intrigued, but that's basically the same thing.

🍩Narrator💬: You'll figure it out: believe me.

🍩Narrator💬: And before I go, Dean:

ThePieMan🍕: Here. --'

🍩Narrator💬: Do you remember what if was like when you first met Cass?

ThePieMan🍕: How could I freaking forget?!

🍩Narrator💬: And Benny? You remember Benny?! Your friend Benny, THE VAMPIRE.

ThePieMan🍕: Okay... I see where you're going.

ThePieMan🍕: But Cass was always different!

ThePieMan🍕: And so was Benny!!

🍩Narrator💬: And yet you are racist...

🍩Narrator💬: I truly am disappointed in you, Dean Winchester.

🍔Cass🐝: Dean...

ThePieMan🍕: CASS!! Where were you?!

🍔Cass🐝: Re-reading the conversation, I was trying to figure out why some places were all blurry... But that's not of import:

🍔Cass🐝: What did you mean by "Different", Dean?😕

ThePieMan🍕: Well...

ThePieMan🍕: I...

ThePieMan🍕: I've got zero good reasons.

🍔Cass🐝: Oh. I see.

GaYbe🍭: Let's play a game!

Samsquatch🥗: What??

Satan😈🖕: Murder!!!

GaYbe🍭: Later, bro, later.

Mikey🐁: Do not encourage him, Gabriel.

GaYbe🍭: Shut up, Micheal.

GaYbe🍭: I was more thinking about the game: "Try to figure out who recently fuck up bad"!

Satan😈🖕: Oh!! That's my second favorite game!!

🍩Narrator💬: Do I want to know the first?

Satan😈🖕: "Satan against humanity", it's a game where the funnier the victim's reaction is to your torture cards is, the more points you make...

Samsquatch🥗: Of course... --'

Satan😈🖕: Wait... Scratch that! "Try to figure out who recently fuck up bad" is in third place!!

🍩Narrator💬: Again: do I wanna know what's the second?

Satan😈🖕: *shrugs nonchalantly* Probably not...

Satan😈🖕: It's murder.

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