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Nathan P.O.V

A loud voices around me caused me to wake up from my sleep that was amazing by the way! I was feeling safe and warm so I didn't appreciate being awaken from it!

I snuggled more to the body next to me wanting to hide away from the voices and from everything in the word, I groaned when I felt the person next to me move away from me, clinging to it more I mumble " Don't move, I want to sleep more! "

I heard a chuckle, an annoyed voices and an aww, pouting I got up and sat down on the bed rubbing my eyes, when I opened my eyes I saw the four boys and I smiled saying " morning boys, what are you doing in my room? We don't have any concert today right? " suddenly my mind worked again and my eyes winded as I remembered the night before Harry coming and talking with me, me crying and having a break down, his words and promise to me and the last thing I remember is falling asleep in his arms, blushing as I realize that I'm still leaned against him in front of the boys, I take a deep breath as I see Tom and Max angry faces.

" Guys it isn't what it looks like! Please me and Harry didn't do anything " I said feeling nervous.

" REALLY! Do you want us to believe that when you are on the bed with Harry Styles!! How do you expect us to believe that! " Max said with a loud voice that made me cower back and cling into Harry more, I had always hated being yelled at, and the boys know it so when max did it I felt myself wanting to cry.

" Listen Nathan we doesn't mind it if you want to experiment but for you to go for Styles whom you know is from one direction the band we doesn't like this isn't right Nathan, you should have talked to us " tom said and I looked at them but before I could say anything Harry started to talk.

" Listen here all of you, me and Nathan aren't in a relationship, whatever between us is our business if we want you to know we would tell you. " he looked at me wanting my confirmation if he should tell them or not, I node not wanting to be the one to tell them and thanking Harry in my mind because he decided to take the hit and tell them.

" Well me and Nathan are brothers, we are half-brothers we have the same mother but different fathers, Nathan didn't live with me and mum and he didn't even know that she was his mother, the rest of the story is up to Nathan to tell you if he wanted "

I look at the boys nervous about how their reaction going to be, I see Jay and Siva smiling and feel better immediately , turning to look at Tom I see his face soften but Max still holds the angry upset expression, but before he could say anything I hear the door to my room being opened and see the four boys of one direction with Louis mouthing sorry.

" Oh My God! Louis isn't lying! OMG!OMG! I can't believe it!!! " Niall says before running towards us and hugging both of us tightly making me gasp for breath.

" Niall! Please a space! Nathan is turning blue! " Harry says and I hear Jay laughing and telling Niall " Hey Irish! Be careful we need our baby Nath! Don't go around giving him your killing hugs "

Niall pouts and mumbles something about Jay being mean, then he looks at us and say " I'm really happy for you guys! Just so happy! I can't imagine how you two felt when you found each other!......" Niall gets interrupted by Liam

" well we didn't believe it when lou told us and we had to come and make sure " ignoring Louis Hey! Liam continues and Zayn add

" I think that now Nathan is Harry younger brother we need to get to know each other better and stop the war between us "

" I totally agree with Zayn on this, it was a childish argument to begin with so it has to end " Siva says with a smile on his face, surprisingly for all of us Tom walks towards Louis and offer his hand to him, we see Louis looking at the hand and to Tom before smiling and shaking his hand. We all look at each other smiling widely.

I get up to hug all of the boys, getting welcome to the family of one direction and some head pats that were annoying because they kept ruffling my hair, but the problems started when I went to hug Max because the moment I reached his side and was about to hug him I got pushed by him very hard, sending me to the floor and my head hitting the edge of the bed harshly making me cry out in pain, I closed my eyes from the pain feeling something slipping on my forehead and eyes that's when I realized that it is blood, my blood, that was because Max my band mate, my friend, my brother. Because he pushed me when I went to hug him.

I heard the angry voices of the boys yelling at max but Harry's voice was the loudest, feeling tears rolling down my face from pain and heart break, I hug myself and cry. Feeling hand rubbing my back and pulling me to their chest I look up to see Niall as he try to calm me down, feeling everything starts to spin around I grip his shirt tightly and as I feel everything turns dark around me I hear Niall as he calls my name over and over again.


Sorry for the long wait but I'm really busy now!!

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