chapter 2

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Waking up the next morning Nathan stayed in bed and looked at his phone to see that it is still early, and he still have a few more hours before he is required to be down and ready to leave the hotel. Many wouldn't believe it but contrary to popular belief Nathan doesn't like to sleep in, he is usually up before anybody else. He just take a long time doing his morning routine.

Nathan stayed on the bed looking at the ceiling and thinking about the letter, and about everything new he got to know. He doesn't know what to do yet, he just knew that his mother isn't his real mother and that Harry Styles is his older brother, Nathan doesn't know how that would effect his life or if it should effect him at all.

What should he do? Should he try to communicate with his mother? With his brother? And if did that would they want to have him in their family?

Suddenly he feels like a stranger, to both families. He shouldn't have been raised in a family that isn't his, not that he isn't grateful for it, but now everything confuses him. He loves his mother, the one who raised him but also he loves his birth mother because, well he took care of him while she was pregnant with him and even after that.

According to the letter he lived with her and Harry till he was two years old but then his father came and took him away, unsurprisingly he doesn't remember anything of that, he doesn't have any memory of those years. But now that he knows that what is he supposed to do? He is only 17 years old he shouldn't be making difficult decisions like this one! But he is Nathan Sykes! Of course everything in his life would be a mess.

Sighing Nathan got up and walked slowly to the bathroom so he could take a shower, maybe it could help to make the headache go away. After finishing he took his pills and a buff of his inhaler feeling his chest tight. Making sure that everything is in his suitcase he took it along with his backpack and got down to where the boys were eating breakfast.

Nathan P.O.V

As I saw the boys I said a quite good morning and sat down, not in the mood to eat I took my phone and played on it.

" Hey! Baby Nath why aren't you eating? " Tom asked me after noticing that I'm not eating, I groan as the attention of the rest of the boys, Kevin and Nano shifted to me so I said " I'm fine guys, I'm just not hungry right now,but I would eat later. "

I saw them looking at each others before nodding and returning to their breakfast. I sigh in relief and continues to play on my phone. later we leave for the airport where we will take another flight to a new country, as we enter the airport we see fans and immediately I smile I have always loved meeting fans, most of our fans are so nice and understanding, but I noticed a few glaring at me and I flinched from their hateful looks, feeling an arm wrapped around my shoulders, I look up and see jay, I smile and relax in his arms, finally we walk towards our plane and wave to the fans.

I look around feeling nervous as I sit down in the plane, usually one of the boys would be sitting next to me because of how scared I'm of planes but this time they couldn't find a ticket to the seat next to me, I look down not wanting to see anyone, I feel someone sitting next to me but I doesn't look to see who it is, when the plane starts to take off I close my eyes and unconsciously I grip the hand of the person next to me, I feel whoever they are rubbing my hand gently till it is over, I take a deep breath and open my eyes, I turn around to say thank you but when my eyes stop on the person sitting next to me my eyes widen and I doesn't know what to say.

I can't believe that I'm sitting to this person!


Hope that you like this chapter!

Read & Review please :(

Tell me if I should continue? And of you have any suggestions.

Lots of love!!!

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