"No.  I'm just off edge, Malfoy is... he is frustrating," i told her.  Nodding, trying to persuade myself more than Luna, i walked away.  I rubbed my head and continued towards Gryffindor.  

This was too confusing.  I had to try to become friends with Malfoy, but i can barely stand him.  The cold wind blew in from the open window, and slowly i crept up to close it.  There were only two other girl gryffindors staying.   Slowly opening my journal and muttering 'lumos' so my wand shone light, i started writing.  There were things that i had written before my best friends left, and immediately i crossed them off.  This was going to be harder than i thought...  My hand went up to hit my head as i realized something.  Malfoy loved the book.  His face when he saw that the book was covered in ink.  It was unmistakably upset, and sad.  But how was i going to make the book help me with becoming friends with Malfoy?  Ron, Harry, and Ginny were coming back in four days.  One day after Christmas.  Shoot!  I needed to get them presents!!  

Honeydukes was super busy the nest day.  Kids from school buying presents, and even just townspeople getting Christmas gifts.  I decided to get Ron Berties Botts of Every Flavor Beans, a chocolate frog, acid pop, chocolate that Lupin bought,  and ton-tied toffee in honor of Fred. I also bought Harry chocolate that Lupin bought, and ton-tied toffee, since Fred and George gave that to Dudley, Harry's cousin.  For Ginny, i bought Berties Botts, and an acid pop.  Travelling to each store, i bought Ginny a necklace and earrings, and a new broom.  For Harry, i bought a scrapbook in which i was going to make, 'Quidditch, A History', and some felt to make him a pillow.  And lastly for Ronald, i bought him a book on Chudley Cannons (one of his favorite teams), a necklace with my name on it, a stuffed spider to torture him, a chess set since his old one was ruined in the war, and PolyJuice Potion.  It wasn't actually PolyJuice Potion, it was just a drink that was called PolyJuice Potion.  I bought my mum some perfume and my dad a tie, and was going to send it to them in Australia... i knew i was going to have to say it is anonymous, because they   had no clue who i was.  It was hard to not give them a present, so i bought them presents and shoved them into my bag.  It was hard to buy all this stuff, but Harry gave me some money.  I owed him but he said i didn't need to.  

Errol, Ron's owl flew into my window.  I jumped up, and grabbed the letter from Errol.

Dear Hermione,

 I hope your holiday break is going to be great.  We all miss your terribly and mum freaked out when you didn't show.  She made you like five sweaters, she misses you.  George gives his hellos, but we don't see him much.  He's usually in his room sulking or working on Weasleys Weazes.  Its fine, thought Ginny is kind of lonely since your not here.  We went shopping at Diagon Alley for Christmas.  Ginny told me what she got for Harry, which was the most adorable thing ever.  Also, did you find someone for the project?

Love you, Ronald

P.s. i miss you a lot.  I cannot wait to get back to you at Hogwarts.  I love you

 I read the the letter smiling.  I missed Ron a lot.  I wrote back that no, i haven't found anyone because he knew it was Malfoy, he would kill me.  I also said that i missed him too much, and that i was also lonely, and that i missed him with all of my heart.  Giving and attaching the letter to Errol, he flew off.  I stared at the distance until i realized that i was hungry.  

There was still one table.  Malfoy was sitting next to Professor Cairns, and again no one sat next to him.  Trying not to be obvious, i sat down next to Draco.  I stared at my plate, as Draco did the same.  I felt someone looking at me, i looked up into the excited eyes of Professor Cairns.  She raised her eyebrows, and gestured to Malfoy.  Panic rising, i started to violently shake my head.  My bushy long brown hair started to hit the table as Professor started to laugh.  All of a sudden, i shook my head once more, and my hair smacked Draco in the face.  Cairns covered her mouth, trying with all of her might to not laugh.  Malfoy lifted his head, and eye contact was made.  My smile disappeared as he stared at me.  Out of the corner of my eye, Cairns was smiling.  

Simply Annoying//// DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now