He hung up before giving the person a chance to respond and hung his neck back, giving a quick exasperated sigh. "Some people, Alice..."

    He stood up from the milk crate and squared his shoulders with her, smiling widely at her face of disgust. "How's it going?"

    "You're. Stalking. Me," she said, this time with a wild look in her eyes.

    "What? No I'm not."

    "Yes, you are!" she said. "You're creeping around in the dark waiting for me to leave."

    "I'm not creeping around." He rolled his eyes. "I just want to have a conversation with you."

    "It's not going to happen," she said. "Please... go away. Just leave me alone."

    "You know, most girls would be thrilled to have me waiting for them outside of work..."

    Alice's eyes widened as she scoffed and said, "Alright."

Completely out of patience for Isaac's nonsense, she turned on her heel and stomped away.

    "Hey, relax, I was just joking!" Isaac said, trailing behind her. "Where are you going?"

    "Home." She sped up.

    "Can't you wait a minute?"

    Alice stopped her march abruptly, causing Isaac to nearly bump into her. She pivoted on her toes and threw her arms in the air. "Why are you here?" she demanded. "How do you even know where I work?"

    "I already told you. I like spaghetti."

    "Yeah, you keep saying that. But that doesn't explain why you're lurking around the alley."

    When Isaac first entered the restaurant, she assumed it was a stroke of bad luck. But with Isaac's persistence, she knew there was more going on. The look on his face confirmed it. With a guilty sigh, he said. "Fine. Yes. Today... today I was looking for you. But it's not like I was following you or deliberately trying to track you down."

    "Then how the hell did you know where I work?"

    "For the thousandth time, I like spaghetti," he said. "My buddy and I came here last week to eat. Honestly, for a restaurant that specializes in spaghetti, it's very average. The pasta is overcooked and -"

Alice tilted her neck and raised a brow at Isaac as he derailed the conversation.

"That's beside the point, of course," he said, catching himself. "I saw you working there that day and I thought it was a little strange. You know, because I figured you'd be doing something a little better... no offense."

"I'm taking offense to everything you say."

"After a week I decided to come talk to you."

"Well, Isaac, I've talked to you enough today to last me a lifetime." She turned her back on him and continued down the sidewalk, taking a sharp left turn in an attempt to lose him. "You're wasting your breath."

"You don't even want to know what I have to talk about?"


"Why not?"

She groaned in frustration and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Because, Isaac, you're the fucking devil."

"Wow," he said. "That's harsh."

She quickened her speed, hoping to lose him, when he asked, "Can I have a real explanation?"

Stopping once again, long enough to shoot him a look of disbelief over her shoulder. "Are you that dense that I need to spell it out for you?"

Beer, Spaghetti, and Pharmaceuticals ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now