25: Tetris in His Watch

Start from the beginning

Naaaw. Eunoia doesn't hate cats. In fact, they look contented sitting on the carpeted floor in their muscle tees while petting cats on their laps. The selected media present are eating it all up. Of course, they do. I mean, you get the picture, right? All that muscles exposed while they're petting pussy... cats.

I'm okay.

Anyway, I say pretend because while they're fooling the media, a roadie whispered to me earlier that they've had a bad experience with cats that I've yet to find out. Not wanting to be nosey, I just chuckled because it shows.

Alec has pulled his inhaler multiple times, Cyprus keeps on subtly scratching his neck to the point that the skin's almost red, Toro grimaces every time the cat on his lap deepens its nail on his jeans, and Missori is stiff as a rock.

Peyton seems to be the only one at ease as he gives two cats on both of his sides a neck massage.

Anyone wondering who came up with this idea? Unsurprised and honestly sarcastic cheers. Of course, it's not me.

It's the Lord of all Chickens, King of Unprecedented Foolishness, and the God of Questionable Decisions...

Cue epic drumrolls.

Surprise, surprise: It's Holland!

He said that ladies loved it and even backed it up with 2005 statistical data. I just swallowed back my retort that research dated five years back and older is already an outdated argument.

But yeah, he pulled strings to make this a good cause so minus weird points for him for that.

A production staff catches my attention as she raises two fingers, meaning that we have two minutes to wrap up. Toro beams and Cyprus manages to hold back a relieved sigh. Alec stands up with the cat in his arms and walks in the opposite direction from where I'm standing. He shakes the hand of the shelter owner as they exchange a few words.

Soon, the room emptied as I finished the illustration I was working on—it showed their interaction with the cats with a little twist. I put a darker color scheme that matches the theme of their new album, instead of the pastel room we are in right now.

"That's pretty," a voice on my right makes me jump, causing me to drop my graphic pen. Out of instinct, I lean forward to hopefully catch it before it lands on the ground. A hand envelopes my small one as I get ahold of it. "I must've scared you."

I avoid his eyes as I quickly pull my hand away. Turning off my laptop and drawing tablet, I manage to reply to him. "You shouldn't sneak up on me like that."

"I know that now."

I don't reply. He remains standing behind me. Holland's voice carries out in the background as he gives instructions to the guys.  Cyprus's name is called multiple times and he's replying, joking and laughing even.

But his eyes, they are on me. My back is still to him, but I can feel them tracing my every move. His laughter makes my ears ring, his voice is too loud and too close.

My eyes collide with Alec's who's standing across the room, a silly smile growing on his face. I carry my bag to my shoulder and start walking up to him. He doesn't stop me, Alec's eyes turn cold as he notices him.

"Let me," Alec says as I reach him. He grabs my bag and excuses himself from the shelter owner. I ignore his offered hand, not wanting to cause any more rumors.

We manage to walk to the underground parking lot before Alec asks the million-dollar question. "What the fuck?"

I sigh. "Probably reminding me of his offer."

My mouth tastes a little grim as I utter the last word. After the little spectacle several days ago, Cyprus has been distant, but he's constantly watching it makes me feel uncomfortable. But although he's always present and always visits the house, this is the first time he approached me.

I feel like he's guarding Alec against me. That he makes it a point to always be around us so we wouldn't attempt to do anything.

It's fucked up.

We are grown adults. If we're going to fuck, we'll fuck.

Though it's like an unspoken rule to avoid this particular subject since that day.

I roll my eyes. Alec notices and chuckles, "Penny for your thoughts?"

"I just don't get what his real deal is. I mean, he's acting like a conservative mother. And that's saying something because I lived with one."

We reach where his car is parked. Alec waits for me to settle on the passenger seat before he speaks, "You know, Cyprus has never been this uptight. He's the chillest person I know." Then he flashes me a megawatt smile, "I'll talk to him, Red. Tomorrow. But first, let's go home. I'm fucking wiped."

I slump back on my seat. "Me either."

Alec and I had established a routine. Since Holland insisted on bringing me to wherever they were supposed to, Alec volunteered to bring me back to their studio since 'he's the one who brought me there in the first place'. His words, not mine. We had grown closer since then.

I never thought I would say this before, but I like that I'm finally forgiving him.

He's making an effort. I can see it when he's alone and quiet in the studio, frowning over the words he wrote and smiling when the right tune is sung to him as he reads them. I see it when he gets frustrated, too, when he can't find the right word to match his phrases. He's writing songs that he loves again and never forgets to ask for my opinion. It makes me feel all fuzzy inside because he shouldn't really have but he still does it.

Turns out he's not as arrogant and selfish and heartless as I originally thought.

A figure is caught by the headlight before Alec swerves left to park in front of the house. I turn to the person lurking in the shadows and squint my eyes to hopefully recognize it. Whoever it is, he's leaning on the porch, looking at us. "Who's that?"

Alec looks behind him as he turns off the engine, "I'm not sure, but I hope it's not who I think it is."

"I should've turned on the lamp post. I forgot that you can pay for the electric bill anyway."

He raises his brow, "Don't think that I haven't heard the tub heater running."

"How would you know? The heater doesn't make noise."

"That's rhetorical. Aren't you learning from all the writing we're doing?"

I scoff. "You don't write shit like that for songs."

"Oh, I know someone who writes shit for songs. Can you guess who—"

"Hush. Are we really arguing while that figure hasn't moved from their spot?"

He turns to the figure again as if only remembering it's there. Alec opens the car door without warning. I watch as the figure comes out of the shadow and roll my eyes. Of course! Of freaking course. Getting out of the car, I walk to the front door without looking back and press an enrolled finger on the scanner. The door unlocked. I leave them on the front porch as they start talking.

They follow not a second later. That's when I noticed a bag on Cyprus' left arm. My mouth hangs in disbelief as a ghost of a smile appears on his lips. "I'm sleeping here for the night. Alec and I are recording some sounds tomorrow, anyway."

Dumbest shit I ever heard.

"That's nice. I'll retire for the night. See you later?" I look at Alec who nods, a forced smile on his lips, "Good night."

"You staying here, Alec?" I hear him say as I turn the corner to my room.

He leaves after dropping me off. "Same thoughts as you. Need to save some gas."

A relieved sigh escapes me. Thank gods.

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