
Time skipped!


"Is Linnie the girl you're asking?". I asked to Taehyung as he was pushing me to the wall. "Yes, why? She's not pretty, right?". He said as he was caressing my cheeks. "Sorry Taehyung, looks like you're drun-". I was cut off because he vomits. "Ayy! (Sorry Filipino word) omg! What happened to you?! Is this you really want? Vomit??!!". I said as I was grabbing his hand into the house (His house). "Okay okay!! Tell me where's your house!!?". I asked him as he was like pointing the way. "T-that way misssssssss!". He said with drunk voice. "Stop saying miss! Call me noona!". I said as I already reach his house. "Okay here we ar-". I was cut off when he's looking at me. "He he!". He said crazily. "Stop looking at me! It is super-". I said as he said. "Super handsome?". He said as he was biting his bottom lip. "Ahh y-yes...". I said as I am blush like a smashed red potato...

Y/n's mind: omg!!! He's so handsome as always!! No one can steal him!! He's mine!! Omg!! I'm crazy over him!!

Taehyung POV

Y/n pushed me in the gate and she left. I closed the gate when suddenly the water in the pool was rushing. I waled and see someone. "Shit!". I said panicked. "No!! This place isn't mine!!". I whisper to myself because it was a group of family. "No way!! What can I do? You're so stupid Taehyung!!". I said as I was slapping my head into brainless.

Hot N' Cold | Kim Taehyung FF✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt