<chap. 15>

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Linnie POV

"Can you just stop fighting with me!!". I said as I was pushing her because I don't want to fight her. "Don't you dare! To touch my boyfriend!! Ever!". She shouted as I was almost deaf. "Okay!! I understand!!". I said as we're stopped..


I went back to school with this idiot messy hair. As I was going back there, someone bumps into me. It is a teenager girl. She's tall, serious, long white sleeves.

 She's tall, serious, long white sleeves

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"Hello unnie! I'm so sorry!". She said as she was grabbing me to stand up. "No no its okay!! I'm fine little girl!". I said as I was bowing her but I was about to go there, she said something. "What's your name unnie?". She said as she was scanning my face. "I am Y/n, 17 yrs old, Taehyung's girlfriend, he's 22 yrs old, why?". I said as I was asking the last one. "Oh you're beautiful oh! Oops I didn't say my name yet! My name's Eunbin, I was in a group call CLC, you can watch the MV we update". She said with smile. "Oh really?? Thanks! I really love music!! Let's meet if we are!". I said as we're waving each other.

Hot N' Cold | Kim Taehyung FF✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora