1. Goodbye Supergirl

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While I fall, I realize that the theory is true. You do see your whole life flashing before your eyes right before you die.  As I fall the silence is almost welcoming and all I can feel is the soft whisper of wind brushing against my body like a mother's lullaby.

The silence of the fall is cut by laughs... Alex laughing along with me on our roof when we were kids. I silently apologize to her because I know I'm not coming home tonight. Then I see, Winn, Lena and James, I say goodbye to my best friends, and thank them for being the pillars of the woman I've become today. Next,  there's my family, Astra, my mom, my dad...I'm telling them I'll be there with them soon.

MonEl's face flashes next across my mind. A series of flashbacks take me back to the time when I was happy with him and he was happy for me. I wish I would've said I love you just one more time, even if he wouldn't say it back.

 After him, the laughs and memories end. Or at least that's what I thought:

A few milliseconds before I hit the ground, in a fleeting moment, a handsome guy followed by lightning shows me his beautiful crooked smile. A smile I'll miss, no matter how beautiful the place I end up may be. Barry Allen...

The scarlet speedster soon vanishes and blackness follows after him. Just like dark after light.

Barry POV

"Iris! We're late! We're supposed to be there at 3 thirty!" I shout as I'm adjusting my tie, making sure my unruled hair is pulled back. I can hear Iris' steps frantically pacing the apartment. I smile at the sound. Funny, we're supposed to be team Flash but always manage to arrive late to everything.

 She finally arrives at the couch and sits down to strap on her high heels. She looks beautiful even with the desperate expression on her face.

"You look beau-" I start but she cuts me off.

"I know." I shut up and let her be in a mood. Although she's been on a mood since Joe died. That was 6 months ago...

 I push away the lingering thought and sit beside her, waiting for her to finish her outfit. She leans back when she's done and breathes out. Her stare lands on me and I kiss her softly. A small smile appears on her face.

"Felicity's and Oliver's wedding has been on our to do list for years now. I'm glad they finally decided to make an official ceremony." Her head rests on my shoulders, as she speaks.

"Yeah. I guess we both got the girl." I answer. She kisses me before we head out of the apartment.


The ceremony was spectacular. It was the second best wedding ever... after ours. I mean, what can beat kicking some Nazi ass on the happiest day of your life? Everyone seems happy, and pleased. Oliver specially, who seems to have a smile that's not planning to go away any time soon. It suits him. 

Cisco is debating Wells on something that seems particularly intense, while sipping champagne. Iris is talking to Caitlin along with Felicity and Sara. Suddenly, my eyes are searching for someone frantically across the room.

At first I don't really know who I'm looking for, until her name slides into my memory. 


I look for Oliver and hug him for the fifth time today. I'm just happy the hero got some happiness out of all the misery. It gives me hope. He doesn't hug me back and I know he's probably fed up with it but I'm way to cheery to cut it out.

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