You're My Only Girl || Chapter nine

Start from the beginning

You followed him to the kitchen where he gave you a glass of water, and you talked for a little while with him to catch up. It'd been a few months since you'd last seen him, and he was more than delighted to see you again.

"Our parents are away for the day. They took Geurumi to the beach for a walk, although I think it's a little cold to swim." He laughed, making you also.

You heard the tap of the shower upstairs turn off, and looked in the direction of the stairs.
"Jungkook should be finished now, you should go wait in his room." Jung-Hyun suggested. You smiled at him, and left towards the stairs.

As you ascended the stairs, you turned the corridor towards Jungkook's room. Thankfully, the door was open so you could distinguish his room from his brothers - you'd forgotten which one it was, until you saw the IU posters on his wall.

You sat down on his single bed, and glanced around the room. It was a little messy, but nothing too bad. Jungkook was quite a clean person, he likes to organise everything - unlike Taehyung who almost drove his parents insane with the state of his room.

You smiled thinking about the time he had to sneak out of the house because he'd rather spend time with you than do his parents bidding.
What a boy.

You heard the bathroom door open, and saw Jungkook make his way towards the room through the corridor. You pretended not to look, because he was shirtless, and you didn't want to seem intrusive.

"Oh, Hey y/n." Jungkook smiled as he closed the door behind him, his hair dripping onto the carpet and down his chest. You tried not to look - but you couldn't help sneak glances at his body.

He was so slim, a tiny waist yet bulging muscles in his arms, chest and abs.
He was wearing a pair of skinny jeans, thankfully, but no socks.

"You're gonna freeze," you scolded as he walked over, running a hand through his soaking hair. He frowned in response, making his way to his drawers and pulling out a white t-shirt with a large circular logo on the front. He slid it on, and instantly his shape disappeared. He did look good though, it's just you missed the body.


He put on a pair of socks, but you still worried he'd get sick from the cold as his hair was still damp. "Do you have a towel?" You asked, and he smiled, "Yeah, Let me get it."

A few moments later, he launched a clean towel at you and sat down next to you.
"C'mere," You motioned as he shuffled closer, and his expression drew confusion. He leaned his head down a moment after you dropped the towel on his head, and dried it for him, rubbing the towel into his locks to prevent any kind of sickness.

After you took the towel off, you had to refrain from laughing as his hair was spiked up in about 12 different directions. To add to the look of craziness, his eyes were wide and a frown was set on his face. It was just too funny, but you decided not to be cruel and just style his hair for him.

It took a good five minutes to set it perfectly the way he liked it. "Ahh, you're so picky Jeon Jungkook!" You groaned as he said it was sitting 'uncomfortably', Whatever that meant.

By the time you'd finished with his hair, you were standing in front of him and he was sitting contemptly on the bed.

"Are you hungry?" He suddenly asked, checking his watch. You shrugged, "A little. I haven't eaten this morning," you began, but regretted it instantly as you knew he'd nag you for it.

But he didn't. "Me too," he yawned, and you glanced at him. "Did you sleep well?" You asked, and he shook his head, "No, I was up all night."

You sighed, "You need to sleep."

"Did you sleep well?" He asked curiously, and you looked down to see his rounded-bunny eyes watching you. "Y-Yeah, I got to sleep quite early," You stuttered, distracted by his gaze. You swore his expression faltered for a moment.

"Let's get some breakfast." He offered, getting up and motioning for you to follow.

"Thanks for the food!" You appreciated his brother making you breakfast, because it was just so good. The three of you sat and talked for a while over some pancakes, and after you left to go back upstairs with Jungkook.

"What movie are we going to watch?" You asked him as you sat next to him again on his bed, and he closed the door behind him again.

"Hmm, not sure. There's a few on, but I was thinking it might be better to go when it's later, like 7?" He suggested, and you smiled, "Sure!"

You were pretty excited, even though Jungkook seemed a little tired, you still loved being in his presence. You noticed his leg was bouncing up and down, and you wondered what was on his mind that was bothering him.

"Do you want to play Hide and Seek?" He suddenly suggested, and all your thoughts flew out the huge window of his large room as you smiled, "definitely."


Hello dear readers ~~~~

As of now, updates will be weekly, on Tuesdays! This only applies for this book, unless I state otherwise in the others :)

Hope you're enjoying this thus far.

Mere xo

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