Rogue~Happy Ending

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Y/n P.O.V

"Oh Rogue!" I heard a voice scream, as I walked into the house. My eyes saw red as I stomped up the stairs. I've given him everything I could and this is how he fucking repays me! I kicked the door open and grabbed Rogue off of Yukino. I grabbed his neck and slammed him against the wall. 

"So this is what you think you can do when I away?" I yelled. My grip around his neck was getting tighter by the second and he could no longer breath. Yukino tried to run out but I slammed the door shut with my foot making her back up while covering herself. 

"You damn well know the next time you do this shit, you won't be with me. Were done. I hope you're fucking happy!" I yelled letting go of his neck before he could go unconscious. He fell to the ground and began coughing vigorously.

I walked out of the house with a nonchalant face, people looking at me weirdly as I stomped toward my guild. Fairy Tail.

I reached the small building and slammed the doors open causing many people to look at me. I walked to the bar and reached over grabbing Cana's strongest before heading upstairs to the S-class lounge.

I sat down on a chair and began drinking. I only drank when I really needed it, and I did. 

The bottle was nearing empty when someone sat down in front of me. I looked up to see it was Mystogan (Fuck how do you spell it???).

"Hey, Mysty! How are you this horrible fucking day?" I asked in a fun sarcastic tone. I was barely tipsy and I hated it. Mystagon sighed at the name but I could tell he was smiling. 

"What happened this time Y/n?" He's rough velvety voice came. I always loved his voice. I don't know why. It just did something to me. I sighed. 

"Rogue. He uh, he cheated on me..." I said and took another swig of my bottle. I felt the air change but before I could feel the pitty Mystogan took his hood off. 

I already knew what he looked like, who he was. Everything. But it was always something when he did.

"I know you don't want me to pity you, so I won't. All I can say is, he's made a grave mistake. You're a wonderful person and don't let this incident ever change that." I smiled before getting up and giving him a hug. 

"Thank so much Mystogan." I felt his arms wrap around my waist and hug me back lovingly. When I pulled back I gave him a kiss on the cheek before getting up and leaving my bottle. I don't know where I was going but It was better than in this town. Where he is.


I am so so so sorry for the person who requested this. I didn't exactly follow what they wanted and I'm sorry. I couldn't figure out how I wanted the ending to be but in the end, the reader ends up with Mystogan and they have kids while Rogue hates his life. Again sorry it's not how it's wanted, I hope you still enjoyed though!

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