Sting~Happy Ending

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Before you start to read this I just wanted to say that I'm writing more professionally so whenever a different person speaks it's a new paragraph. Sorry if it's a bit confusing it's just I'm trying to get used to this for my creative writing class and if I ever want to be a writer I need to get used to this now. Oh and also I'm trying to make it more descriptive! Thank you! Please continue. 

Y/n P.O.V 

Have you ever hated, no, despised someone so much that you wanted to rip them apart limb by fucking limb just so they could feel how you felt when or if they betrayed you? Yeah, well that's how I felt when I saw my boyfriend fucking some whore who used to be my best friend. 

"Y/n!" I heard Sting yell as I walked into the as I walked into the Sabertooth guild. The ground making thumping sounds as I stomped towards him. 

"Let's go," I growled out grabbing his arm, harshly and lead him up to his office. The ground groaning with my harsh steps.

"Y/n can we please talk about this? I'm sorry, I really am!" He said from behind me but I didn't listen only have one thing on my mind. Leave. Reaching his office I threw him in and shut the door.

"I'm leaving the guild whether you like it or not I don't care you can go fuck Yuki for all I care, now get this damned thing off my B/p." I finished by giving him a glare. He faces held sadness and despair but it didn't break my heart like it used too. 

"Y/n please..." He whispered.

"No! Fuck you! Do not even try just get this from my B/p and I'll be on my way!" I yelled grabbing him by the collar. My eyes were seeing red and if I wanted to get out of there without killing someone then I need to go soon.

He hurriedly took off my guild insignia and then I left. To go somewhere better. To see someone better. Fairy Tail and Laxus.

3 Months Later

"Oh no. No no no no." I whispered to myself. Freaking out I paced around my room. This can not be happening. I looked down at the white stick in my hand and read over the directions on the back of the box it came from. 

"Shit!" I cursed and sat down on my bed. What was I gonna do? First I had to tell Sting, then I'll have to tell Laxus. I placed my head in my hands and groaned. 

I heard the door open and my head shot up. There stood Laxus. He held a smile until his eyes feel in the plastic pen in my hand. We haven't done it yet. He knows this. His Adam's apple bobs. The realization is clear in his eyes. 

"Its his isn't it?" He asked looking at me sadly. I nod and feel tears leak from my eyes. He was going to leave me. I knew it. 

I can't ever be happy, can I?  

I felt arms pull me into a chest and I looked at Laxus confused. He smiled down at me and gently kissed my lips.

"It's okay. You can get through this. We can get through this." His declaration made more tears well in my eyes and I cried into his chest while he soothed me. 


I sat at a table. Laxus rented the entire restaurant so it was way more awkward than usual. I watched Sting visibly fidget. He was scared. As if he already knew. 

"Sting," I called and for the slightest moment, he stopped. He looked up at me with sad eyes. I swallowed before I spat it out. 

"I'm pregnant!" I said fast and watched for his reaction. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped. 

"I-Is it mine?" He asked a little hope sparked in his eyes. 

"Y-Yes." His eyes widen with joy. 

"I want you to be in his or her life but we...we can't be together. After what you did to me I- I can't love you again. But I want you to be apart of this family." I said and smiled gently. 

He looked sad before he grabbed my hand and rubbed it. A growl was received from Laxus. 

"I understand. I completely understand. I just... thank you for still letting me in this family." He said and the tears in his eyes finally fell. 

I walked around the table and gave him a hug. 


SHit ending sorry. 

Cheater!Fairy Tail X Reader EDITINGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora