Loke/Leo~Part 2

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Y/n P.O.V 

I sit there on my thrown, thinking how I was to end this man's life for doing this to me once again. "Misa!" I yelled for my servant. I heard her footsteps coming as fast as they could. "I wish for you to live my fortress until I request you to come back. Understood?" I commanded of her, as she just nodded her head and left my home. 

I heard my front door open with a screech and close with a bang. It was Leo.

"Y/n! Listen I'm so-" I cut him off. "Do you know how it feels to have the love of your life not remember the love you to used to share?" I asked him looking him directly in the eye. He was shocked at my words and shook his head saying No. "Of course you don't." I spit with venom. I looked up into the whole in my ceiling and looked at the stars floating around out there. "Y'know I remember it just like yesterday when you stabbed me in the back," I said looking down at him. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Of course you forgot, I do look a lot different but let's see if this will help you remember," I said thinking back to my old mortal form and changing into it.

The bright disappeared and there I was in my long flowy silk dress cascading down my legs as the bright white fades into a turquoise. Some silk draped around my arms. 

"Do you remember me now Leo? Princess Melina II. The girl's who's life was ridden from her by one man." I stated in a cold tone. "No. No. NO! This isn't real I watched you die how are you still alive?!" He questioned with sadness in his eyes and anger in his voice. "Yes I died is still dead but I shall tell you the story so you will do so as I please and sit and listen," I said making a chair appear and forcefully sitting him down. 

"Now let's began, form the very begging," I said with a sly smirk knowing what pain this story would cause him.

*Flash Back*

I lay there crying into my pillow. Sadness shaking through my whole body as I sobbed breaking the peaceful silence. My sobs were put to a halt when I heard a soft voice call out to me. "Why are you crying, my dear?" I turned around quickly to see a man standing at the end of my bed. Not letting my hormones take over I questioned the man. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" I asked sitting up and wiping the few tears I had on my face away. "I'm not here you hurt if that what's you think." He stated and walked around coming closer. "I just heard a beautiful maidens sobs and wondered what had caused her this pain." He said with what looks like true concern on his face.

I moved my hand up my pillow touching the cold metal of the blade. I grasped it feeling safer now that I had a weapon. "If you really must know then I'll tell you," I said. With a deep breath, i began to tell him why I'm so sorrowful. "I must be married to a man who doesn't truly love me. To a man I know will hurt me to no end. To a man who gives no mercy." I said to the stranger. The man sighed and sat down on the bed turning away from me. I grabbed the knife a little tighter as he was closer. 

"I would hate for you such a wonderful woman have to marry such an ass." He said and I found myself giggling a bit. He looked back at me with the kindest smile I had ever seen. "But what if I told you I could take you away from all of it?" He asked looking deep into my eyes. "I would say three 3 things. 1) I'm not that easy. 2) Where would we go? And 3) They will come looking for me." I started with a small smiled gracing my lips. 

He chuckled a bit. "That can't find you where they can't get to." He said softly coming closer. "They could get about to any place they want what place could they not?" I asked. "The stars." He said simply. "The stars?" I asked with a laugh. "I can not go to the stars and neither can you," I said. "Ah but my Dear I am no Mortal have you not heard of me?" He asks with hurt in his voice. "I am but Leo the Lion my Dear and I can take you anywhere." He said. "Leo the Lion? I don't believe you." I said. "Well then dear I will come here every day for the next month and accompany you, and on the last day, i will ask you this simple question. "To the stars?" and I will receive your answer but until then we'll see how this plays out." He said with a smile a kissed my head getting off my bed and disappearing into a shimmering light.

Leo kept to his word and came to me every day. We would have lots of fun together and it was all around the greatest days of my life, but someone was angry. Someone was infuriated with how I and Leo were getting slow close. 

'Today is the day.' I thought to myself as I got ready putting on my dress and light make up ready for my day out with Leo. I had decided that if he really could take me to the stars then I will go with him with no hesitation. 

I waited in my room for the man I have learned to love to come back to me once more, but he never showed. I began to worry as to where he was. Hours passed and still no sign of him until I heard a knock on my door. It was dark out by now and I was getting ready for bed but the thought of it being you made me excited and I practically ran to the door. But what or who I saw was not what I wanted at all. 

It was a woman with pale skin. Her blond hair was straight and long, but her eyes. Her big brown eyes shined with light. She was a woman you want to think would be friendly and a great friend but what she held in her hand terrified me. It was a knife.

I looked at her with terror in my eyes and tried to close the door but she pushed in back open and threw me to the floor. I tried to get back up but she kicked me back down. "Please don't so this!" I yelled as she tried to get on top of me. "Shhh its okay, it will be nice and painful." She whispered. I tried to scream for help but none was coming so I continued to try and push her off, but my actions came to a halted when I felt the sharp pain in my leg. 

I cried out in my Pain as she then stabbed me in the arms and legs making sure I'm stuck in that spot unless someone moves me. She smirked looking at my body. Sobs racked through me as the pain and thought of me dying clouded my mind. I looked around to see the familiar shimmering light and Leo appear. I tried to call for him but couldn't, my voice not working. He didn't even try to help as he just walked closer and looked down at me, saying something to himself I could not hear. 

The pain was all over in my body as the girl stabbed me continuously in the chest and stomach. Once she was done and knew for sure I would die here she got off me and walked up to Leo. He smirked and at me before he grabbed her waist and kissed her passionately. 

Darkness consumed me as the last few tear dropped out of my eyes but they weren't from the pain they were from heartbreak. 

*Flashback End*

"Do you remember now Leo? DO YOU! DO YOU REMEBER HOW YOU LEFT ME THERE TO DIE THEN KISSED HER!" I yelled at him feeling myself coming back and my metal apprentice disappearing. Loke sat there with tears in his eyes. 

"I-I do, but t-that's n-not what h-happened!" 


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