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First of all, I want to say I'm sorry. I know people have been waiting for updates for this, but idk if I'm gonna continue this. I found myself not being as into NateWantsToBattle as I was before when I found my new favourite series, and I think it's because there wasn't anything new and exciting happening on his channel that I could rant about to my friends. My new obsession became Metal Gear, and I began to leave wattpad altogether because of it. There wasn't anything good for Metal Gear on wattpad, so I began to find other fanfiction sites, and then I found Archiveofourown, which I had used before for NateWantsToBattle fics, and it's amazing. There's art and fics for every fandom, including NWTB and more. But getting back to the topic, I just felt like I wasn't able to write anymore if I didn't put everything into it. I had led the story into the wrong path, and it just wasn't good anymore in my opinion. I felt pressured all the time to write, causing me to not be able to come up with anything good for you guys. I don't think there's gonna be anymore of this story, but one day I might come back to it. I still listen to Nate's music, but I honestly prefer to write things about Metal Gear because of vast characters and crazy shit constantly happening, such as a guy having his mind taken over by an arm because he's using his bosses arm as a replacement for his arm that got cut off by a cyborg ninja whilst that arm is his dead lovers (there's two it's weird) son's arm and he's hunting for their other son who he also wants to bang but then he works for their third son to kill the second son and idk but he has a torture fetish.

Anyway, what I think I'm saying is don't expect anymore updates, because I don't think it'll happen.

I'm sorry.

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