Holy shit + 10 things about me!

666 16 21

It sounds so cheesy, and I never thought I would be doing this, but thank you so much for 151 reads! I legitimately thought that it would get like, 2 reads and then those two people would be like, "ew this sucks." I was just doing this to get a kick out of it, and because I really enjoy writing anyway, and I was never able to write stories as a kid (not really that long ago) because my parents would get all worried since I would write stories that included everyone being brutally murdered in very descriptive ways. I had to go to a therapist when I was eight because I started drawing pictures that went along with them, and I would be up in my room with papers all over the place with those pictures and stories. I was a messed up kid, wasn't I? I also write more than I do homework, and I'm failing math, science, and english because of it. *rolls eyes* yaaaayyyyyyyy.

But anyway, I'm getting off topic. I'm just amazed that people actually like my writing enough to vote on it and UGHHHH IM JUST SO HAPPY ABOUT IT!

Secondly, one of my friends suggested that I tell you guys about me, so here we go!

1) How old am I?
     I would prefer not to tell that just yet, unless I already have and I forgot lol

2) What language (or languages) do you speak?
      Right now, I'm taking French, and I know sign language because a lot of my relatives are deaf, but my brother and I        are not.

3) Do you have any pets?
     Yes! I have a tortie, or a tortoiseshell cat named Gabby, who is five years old and a complete bitch. I used to have a rabbit named Slippers, but he lived a full life and passed away of old age.

4) This isn't really a question, but I do chorus, or choir as I call it

5) Do you like Undertale?
     Yes I do, but if you go overboard with it, then I'm gonna back away from you. I prefer just the regular Undertale, not Underswap or Glitchtale. I'm sorry if any of you do and you get offended, but it's just my opinion.

6) Speaking of opinions, are you scared to give yours?
     It really depends on the topic. I'm usually bold enough to give my opinion, but sometimes I feel like it'll turn into a shitstorm if I do.

7) What is your favourite food?
      I have multiple, but my favourite five are pizza, ice cream, cool ranch Doritos, sour patch kids, and dum dums. Also, "I like pizza" in French is, "J'aime le pizza." Boom now you know

10) Favourite movie?
       I don't know, really. I never watched TV as a kid, and I never do. Now all we watch is Netflix and YouTube, and that's all that's on our TV, so yeah. I can also never choose, so that makes it kinda hard. (Huehuehue hard)

Okay. I'm just gonna do ten for now, but let me know if you want more! Once again, thank you so much for reading this, and I probably would have quit doing this if it weren't for you guys. That sounds so cheesy, and I'm so sorry, but still so thankful. I came on wattpad and looked on my story since I kinda wanted to write more, and then I'm just sitting there astounded when I see the view count. Ok, well I'm gonna go before I rant again!

Bye! Thank you guys one again for this!

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