Little Secret (NamiraXJimin)

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You sat in the far corner of your room,you brought your knees to your chest and hugged them.You were supposed to meet with Jimin for Dinner and you were running 1 hour late,but you weren't going anywhere,not after witnessing what you did.

Being concerned Jimin decided to come to your house.

"Namira,where are you?" You heard Jimin's angelic voice from the front door.Jimin has a spare key to your house since he is your best friend.

"Chim,Help!" you yelled.

Jimin swung the door open and looked around the room.When he saw you sitting in the corner,he ran to you as fast as he could "Nam,what's the matter?" he asked sounding worried.You pointed to your closet as you muttered the horrid word "Cockroach" 

Jimin looked at your closet,then back at you  "You were late because of a cockroach?" He asked.He wasn't sure if he should laugh or scold you for making him worried.

"You don't understand.It was HUGE,it went into my closet and I couldn't get ready because of it" you replied in disgust.Jimin chuckled and walked over to your closet.You watched in horror as he looked for the cockroach in your closet. "Aha! found it" Jimin said as he picked up a huge cockroach.

"Ewww!  why are you touching it? throw it out!!" you yelled.He opened the window and tossed it outside.

"Happy?" he asked as he closed the window.You stood up and ran over to him "Thank you Chimchim" you said as you hugged him."How can I repay you?" you asked looking up at his beautiful eyes.

"Well,I was planning on telling you a secret after dinner but I think I can't wait any longer." He blushed. "I like you a lot,be my girlfriend as a repayment" He said smiling down at you.

"OF COURSE I WILL but not as a repayment but simply because I like you too" you said as you gently kissed him.He gladly kissed back.After some magical moments you both parted.You pressed your forehead against his.You sweetly smiled at him.

"Since I ruined our date,let's do something else" you proposed.

"How about a horror movie?"  Jimin asked sounding a lil too happy.

"Why? we should watch a romantic movie like 'Titanic' "

"Actually I was planning on hugging you while you get scared" Jimin said while blushing.

"Awww! but I'm not scared of ghosts" you teased him.

"Than I will act like I'm scared and hug you" He winked at you.You chuckled at his cuteness and hugged him tightly.He wrapped his arms around you feeling your warmth.Pulling away you kissed his cheek. 

"You're so cute just like teddy bear,I would love you hug you forever" Hearing this,Jimin giggled.

"Let's watch 'The ring' so that I could hug you forever"  

"Make sure to hug me forever"  you said as you grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards the living room.This is going to be a perfect movie night.

Thanks for reading lovelies <3

Btw this story is dedicated to Namira.A lovely girl who introduced me to BTS <3

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