Chapter Eleven

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At this point, Hannah was freaking out.  She started to pace back and forth across the road under the dim moonlight, which was covered by dark clouds.  "What are we going to do?  How will we find him?  I hope he is OK.  What if he was kidnapped?"  She went on and on, and it started to ruin my concentration on how we were going to solve this.  As she continued to ramble, I tried to block her out.  Thankfully, it worked, as I could no longer hear her words linger into my ears.  Not that I didn't want to listen to her, but I just didn't want to yell at her to stop.  Sighing very lightly, I started to ponder over the possibilities in thought.  "There are only three things I could possibly come up with.  There is one, which he was kidnapped.  That seems like the most reasonable and best assumption.  The second, he ran away, and somehow stopped himself from bleeding.  But that is probably out of the question, as he would never run out like that without informing us.  The last, and possibly the worst, is that he--"  "BRENDAN!" I jumped and looked over at Hannah, who was glaring at me, shooting daggers into my body.  If looks could kill, I would possibly be dead right now.  "Brendan, this is serious!  Where could Phil be?!  He could be anywhere by now!  We need to find him!"  She started shouting.  I stood up next to her, "And we will!  We just need to find out which direction he went.  He could have kept walking down the road, or he could have turned back and walked the other way." I started, looking up and down the road, trying to get an indication or signal if there was any sign in my theory.  Sadly, there was none.  "Well, we need to find out soon," Hannah started, "He could be dead by now and we don't even know it."  "Chill out!"  I yelled at her, "Just go grab our stuff and we will find him.  He shouldn't be too far, considering he was there when I came to find you up on the roof."  Without saying another word, Hannah turned her back to me and started to walk back inside.  While she was doing that, I looked back down at the puddle of blood in the road.  I knelt beside it once more to further inspect it, and perhaps get a clue from it.  To my dismay, nothing came up, as I could not get a lead from this.  I had to think abaout if he just continued down the road, as there is no point in turning back to the last town we were at.  This was strange.. Very strange indeed.  I just wish that I had The Doctor by my side right now.  I heard footsteps behind me, but I didn't turn back.  Hannah must have returned with the supplies.  Good, we need to leave as soon as we could.  I felt something round like and cold on the back of my head, "Don't move." I heard the strange voice say.  It certainly wasn't Hannah's, and the voice was too deep to be Phil's.  Obeying the voice, I continued to kneel here, not moving.  The item I could practically make out that was pressed up against my skull was a gun of some sort.  "You're coming with me," said the deep voice, once again.  I scoffed, "Why would I go with you?" I felt a sharp pain hit the back of my head and I fell forward.  "Don't Speak!  Next time, I won't be too nice." To be honest, he didn't sound threatening at all.  So, trying not to act stupid, I followed his command and continued to lay there, awaiting for what he has in store next.  Hannah should be here any minute to get rid of this goon.  This is crazy.  How could I be caught off guard so easily?  And here I am, talking to myself as if I was narrating to an audience.  Come on Hannah, it doesn't take you that long to grab two or three things.  Something told me to get up and just try to fight him off, but considering that he has a gun and that I have a wounded arm doesn't help.  I heard his voice yell at me once again, "Up."  Sighing to myself, I started to slowly get up, following his command.  This would be far much easier if I could actually see.  And night with a large layer of clouds looming overhead does not make a good combination.  I heard another voice from behind me, but it wasn't my attacker.  The tone in his voice was much higher in means of pitch, "Look 'ere, Rick!  I got another one!"  I didn't need to turn my head to know that it was Hannah in which he caught.  "Get your hands off me!"  I heard her yell.  It was not long before I saw her get thrown next to me.  We were now standing next to each other, facing the other way from our attackers.  "Lovely day we're having?" I asked sarcastically to Hannah.  "Shut up!" I heard the voice, I presumed Rick, call out to me again.  "Tell me about it," replied Hannah.  "Hey!  I think he told you two to keep quiet!" said the other man.  "Charlie!  Bring these two to the truck.  I think the boss man will love their company."  Rick yelled over to him.  I felt a push from my back and I stumbled forward.  I saw Hannah get pushed as well from the corner of my eye.  "Keep walking." Charlie yelled out to us.  We both listened to his command once again as we both started to walk towards what seemed like in the middle of the forest.  I had no idea where we were going, but by the sound of our 'friends,' it wasn't going to be pretty.  I could barely see anything through these thick trees and as they were also blocking the sky from light.  Not as if it didn't provide cover for us already.  I could barely make up what seemed to be a small pickup truck in front of us.  It was pretty easy to see as it was a bright white.  As we approached the truck, Rick yelled out from behind us, "Stop moving and put your hands behind your back."  We both followed his orders, as we both stopped in our tracks and placed our hands behind us.  I felt something, most likely a rope, bound my hands together like handcuffs.  From that point, he told us to get in the back seats, in which we did.  Hannah got in first, and I got in second.  I sat behind the driver seat and tried to untangle my hands from the rope.  Alast, nothing worked.  Before I knew it, the car reved up and started to move across the bumpy road below us.  Hannah and I did not say anything to each other for the entire trip, as we did not want to provoke the other two intruders in front.  It was when I noticed that we did not have our bags with us.  There goes my trusty pistol, and after so much that I went through with it.  It felt like that just earlier we were running through the streets and Phil was fighting me in the attic, plus as I found Hannah on the roof with her attacker.  I don't even think we were in a day in this infection, and look at us now.  I looked over to my arm in which was still wounded.  It started to look worse than it was before.  I hope this boss man was nice enough to at least provide me with something that could help the process slow down.  Considering these goons were very friendly and gave us their full hospitality, I wouldn't see it being much of a problem.  Hannah sat in her seat, looking out the window and not saying a word.  I looked out the window as well, to see that the forest seemed to end.  I looked in front of me to see that we were approaching a grey building with barbed wired fences.  I believe that it was a prison.  I didn't get a good look at it as I heard the door from my left open.  I looked over to see what it was but it was cut short as I felt a force hit me.  I wasn't sure why I kept getting hit by things.  But this force was strong enough to knock me out.

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