Chapter Five

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I carefully made my way out of the dumpster I lay down upon.  I searched around me, to make sure that no hostiles were near my area in which it would be difficult to get out.  I need to be swift, and as quiet as possible.  After all, this was a rescue mission and I could easily be overun if I do anything stupid.  Plus, if I do fail, Hannah and Phil's life were at risk, as Phil could turn at any moment.  Shaking that out of my head, I slowly climbed my way out of the dumpster, landing my feet on the surface.  I looked back up above me to see that Phil and Hannah were no longer there.  They probably went back up to the top, out of sight.  Looking around me, I noticed there were no enemies around me, except for in the street.  With my P226 in hand, backpack on my back, I took slow steps down the dark and ominous alley.  It was still day outside, so it wasn't that dark.  As I crept closer to the edge where the alley meets the sidewalk, I put my back on the edge, just before the corner.  Taking caution, I peered my head around the corner.  There were zombies just down the street, but not close enough to see me.. Hopefully.  I looked back to the other side to see the same thing.  I didn't know how I was going to do this, but I needed to do it quietly and quickly.  There was a broken down car, just a few meters away.  Taking one last look back and forth around the sidewalk to make sure it was safe, I quickly dashed over to the remains of the car and took cover behind it, crouching.  It seemed like nothing saw me.  Sighing quietly to myself, I peered my head over the car to make sure that I wasn't seen.  Everything seemed in the clear, yet I was still prepared for the worse.  I looked over to see that there was no cover near my position that I could make it to without alerting everything around me.  I continued to look for a possible place that I could take cover in, but it seemed like no use.  I looked up at the sun; It was roughly around one o'clock in the afternoon.  Thankfully, it wasn't as hot as Vegas weather.  I was getting off topic, and I shook the current topic out of my head, thinking about my escape plan once again.  I peered my head around the corner of the car, to see that there was a clear pathway that I could make a dash for, but there was an 80% chance that every single zombie would see me.  There was absolutely no cover what-so ever.  It seemed hopeless.  All of a sudden, I heard a loud bang from behind me, and I watched as a single zombie dropped onto the road.  I jumped at the noise and quickly turned my head towards the thing responsible for it.  I couldn't find anything, before I saw another flash from the roof of the building we were holding out on.  I heard another body drop from behind me.  I looked up at the roof to see that Phil was laying prone, with his Barrett out in hand.  He was providing me cover with it.  Of course!  Why didn't I think about this before!?  The only downside to this, was that the bangs from it are really loud, and will drag attention.  I took a quick peak over my should to see that all of the hostiles were facing towards the house, and they started to slowly shuffle their way over there, making low moans on the way.  I quickly turned my head back over to the truck I was going to earlier.  This time, not many zombies were around it, and it seemed safe enough to cross.  "Don't you dare hit me, Phil." I thought to myself, before taking in a big breath of air and dashed across the road.  Phil continued to fire his rifle at the zombies closest to me, and they dropped one by one.  Although this seemed like a good tactic, we were short on ammo, but it was being put to good use.  About almost the whole road was facing towards Phil and Hannah, as they were trying to get to them.  I continued to run over to the red pick-up truck before I finally got to the door.  I peared inside the window to see a dead man sitting in the seat.  He definately was not a zombie, as there was already a bullet hole in his head.  I looked at him in disgust, but I had to get inside quickly.  I tried opening the door, but it seemed jammed.  I looked inside the window to see that the door was locked.  I could easily smash the window and unlock it, but that will most likely sound off the alarm, making the zombies come towards me instead.  I tried to think fast, and Phil continued to fire.  I looked around the truck to see if there was any sign of a way getting in.  It seemed as if there was no other way getting in.  I took a few steps back away from the truck, staring at it.  I had no choice but to break in through the window.  This was going to get even riskier, and there was no backing down now.  I took a deep breath, before ramming my elbow at the window.  The window shattered before me, and pieces of glass all over the ground.  As soon as my elbow made contact, the alarm of the truck went off.  I turned my head quickly at the location of the zombies, if they were coming towards my direction.  My theory was correct, they were now targeting me.  Taking note of this, I quickly reached my arm in the window and unlocked the door.  I pulled on the handle and the door flew open.  I grabbed the lifeless body in the driving seat and threw it onto the road.  I took one step inside the truck and sat down in the seat, closing the door after me.  I was now concealed in the truck, and it smelled like rotting eggs.  It did not smell good at all, but I had to deal with it.  Quickly, I turned the ignition key.  But as if I was in a movie, the truck did not start.  I turned the key again and again, and the only sound it was making was the reving of the engine, yet it gave no life.  I could hear as the zombies got closer to me, and Phil continued to shoot the ones that were closer to me.  Frusturated, I punched my hand into the steering wheel, which somehow made the truck come to life.  I sat motionless for a while, surprised that it actually worked.  I laughed for a good second before I heard another bang from behind me.  I looked out the window to see that Phil and put away the rifle and throwing it onto the ground.  He was out of ammo, which meant I needed to get out and fast.  I quickly whipped my head back at the steering wheel, before forcing my foot onto the gas pedal.  The truck zoomed forwards and before I knew it, I was speeding down the road.  I put my hands on the wheel and I turned it so I went around the corner.  This truck had real good handling it seemed.  Trying to get to Phil and Hannah as fast as I can, I couldn't stop, as I ran over hordes of zombies along the way.  The bodies flew over the truck and under it.  It made the ride much bumpier.  As I flew around the corner towards the house, I could see that Phil and Hannah were already at the edge of the alleyway.  The zombies were no where near us right now, as they were too far off when I was getting in the truck before.  I pulled in front of them, "Get in!" I yelled at them.  They immediately obeyed and quickly ran into the truck.  Phil jumped into the passenger seat, and Hannah jumped into the back seats, sitting in the middle.  As soon as they got in, I floored it and out the exit.  I couldn't believe that the plan actually worked!

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