Chapter Thriteen

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We were almost at the end, or that's what Phil said.  Everything seemed strange all of a sudden.  We were kidnapped and put in a prison, where we have to make through an obstacle course, and Phil does not remember his leg being injured?  I didn't know what was going on, but I knew that I was going to get to the bottom of it someday.  We continued to run, before the light got closer.  Before I knew it, we were already at it, and the world around me started to flash slightly, before everything came together.  My eyes started to adjust, and I saw that we were in some sort of other cell area.  Only this time, there was no one else here, not undead or alive.  Phil panted next to me, looking around, "Well.  That was it."  I looked over at him confused, "That was it?  Just running until we got.. Here?"  I looked around the area some more.  It seemed to be way cleaner than the last one we were in.  Suddenly, there was a loud bang from behind me and I turned my head to see that some sort of metal doors closed off the way we entered in.  Phil turned at this as well, "That's not supposed to happen."  There were footsteps being heard in front of us, and I looked ahead of me.  There was some sort of figure, a tall man to be a close observation.  He came into the light, and I fully saw him.  He was wearing some sort of black business suit, like one of those classy people.  His hair was short, Black and slicked back.  His voice sounded like he grew up in some sort of fancy mansion, "Ah, welcome guests!  It has seemed like you have passed my little test.  I've been watching you and you have impressed me.  Well, not really, but you managed to get here before the others did."  "What happened to the others?  You closed the door behind us." I butted in.  "Well, let's just say that now we have a larger supply of the volunteers."  I gritted my teeth as he said that.  I wanted to just punch him in the face, but I couldn't, considering that he had to thugs with assault rifles standing next to him, and there were perhaps more somewhere on the top watching down on us.  "Why are you here now?" I looked over to see that Phil was now part of this little conversation. "Ah! My dear Phil! I liked you the first day you were here! You seem to be smarter than the other ones, so I guess that is part of the point why I am here today.  You two, follow me.  I will answer any questions you have when we get to the place."  With that, the strange man turned and made his way towards some sort of elevator.  The thugs pointed our guns at us, and I jumped slightly.  So I started to quickly make my way towards the elevator as well, alongside with Phil.  As we made our way in, the strange man pushed a button on the wall, which led to the top floor apparently.  I didn't think that prisons had elevators, but they did now.  Before I knew it, we were on our way upwards with a slight kick from the force pulling us up.  Neither of us said anything, and I could have just taken on this man right here and now, but I didn't want to risk it.  Besides, I had questions myself that might possibly be answered.  We stood there for another few moments, before the 'ding' was heard and the metal doors in front of us opened.  I was the first to walk out, and to what I saw surprised me.  The whole place was all so clean and nice.  The walls were wood, the floor was wood, and there were windows overlooking the city.  Of course, the outside didn't look so good, considering that there was smoke and fires coming out from the distance.  "Strange what this world has come to, eh?" I looked over to see that Phil was now next to me, staring out the glass as well.  "Perhaps I can answer your first question now and say, no, I don't know what happened."  The strange man from behind us said.  Well, there went that.  But I still had a few more up my sleeve.  I took a moment longer to look outside before turning around again, where the man was sitting behind his desk, signaling his hand to two seats before him on the opposite side.  "Please, take a seat."  Phil and I obeyed, as we made our ways over and took a seat on the chairs, staring at the man.  I needed to know his name so I didn't have to keep saying 'strange man.'  "Now that we are settled, I am Andrew Ryan."  Andrew Ryan?  Where have I heard that name before?  "I already know who you two are, Phil of Oregon and Brendan of Nevada."  Wow, information gets thrown around here quickly, but where he got the information I am unsure of.  He slouched in his chair and cuffed his hands together, "Now, I am open for your questions."  I was the first to ask, "Why are we here?"  Andrew didn't hesitate, "You were brought here because I collect survivors.  I owned this prison you know, before the outbreak.  Most of the prisoners became one of.. Them.  So I knew that I had to build some sort of army, so I made an obstacle course.  We bring in survivors and put them out there like we did with you, and the strongest of them will finish.  Once done so, we put them into my army.  Those who refuse get sent right back into the arena."  That explained how Phil knew, as he probably refused to join them, and was sent back.  But one particular question came to me, "How come Phil doesn't remember?"  This caught Andrew a little bit off guard, and he raised an eyebrow at me, "Why, what ever do you mean?"  He was playing dumb, I could read it on his face. "How come Phil doesn't know about his injury?  He was limping, after he attacked.  He seemed to be running perfectly fine now and can't remember about it."  I heard Phil's voice come from the side of me, "What are you talking about?" I turned my head towards him, "Just look at your leg! Underneath!"  Phil stared at me for a little while, confused on what I was talking about.  But he turned his head down and slowly pulled up the leg of his pants, and there was his wound.  It was the same like I saw it last time, all green and puffy.  It wouldn't be long before he would probably turn.  Then that caught my attention as well, as I looked over at my arm.  I rolled up my sleeve of my hoodie to see the same thing Phil had.  It was practically both of us.  I stared at my arm for a moment longer, to turn and saw that I was now looking down a barrel.  "You were a good contestant, but I'm afraid that you have been evicted."  I heard the cock of the gun.  It was definitely a revolver, judging by its shape and clip.  Not a very accurate weapon, but considering all of the firepower in it and how close it was to my face, there was no way I could make it out of this.  I didn't move, until I heard a loud bang come from the opposite side of the room. "GET THAT AWAY FROM HIM!" I quickly shot my face over towards the elevator, to see that Hannah was standing there, bow string back and loaded, aiming towards Andrew.

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