Chapter Nine

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I stood my ground, releasing arrow by arrow at the pursuers.  I wasn't sure how they got past my barricade, but I didn't think about that right now.  My main focus right now was trying to get the attackers off of Brendan, and hopefully get rid of them all before they attract more.  From the looks of it, Brendan was out of it.  I couldn't see him move and his eyes were closed.  There was a pool of red blood coming out from his right arm, but I again, did not pay attention to it that much.  As I was reaching for another arrow, I called back to Phil, "Come help me fend these things off!"  There was no response or movement that I could hear.  I didn't look back at him, but instead continued to fire at the horde in front of me.  There weren't that many, there were probably about 6 of them.  It went by so fast, as I loosened my another arrow and it hit the zombie clean on the forehead, and it fell to the ground.  That was easier than I thought, maybe I was just getting too good at this.  My thoughts rushed back to Phil and I turned to him to see why he didn't respond when I called out to him.  What I saw started to frighten me.  He was back on the couch, unconciouss.  This was bad, very bad.  Both of my friends were passed out, both probably injured.  I didn't know which one to help first.  Phil seemed to be just out of it, yet I saw one of the undead do something to Brendan.  Quickly making my decision, I dropped my bow and ran quickly over to Phil.  I started to shake him harshly, "Phil! Wake up! Wake up!"  He didn't seem to respond.  Even more frightened then ever, I quickly twisted my head towards Brendan, and made my way over to him.  I knelt down next to him and he, too, was unconciouss.  I examined his body furthur to find anything that seemed to be a wound.  I noticed that his red hoodie was even darker in one area, which was his right arm.  Upon furthur inspection, I found that there were teeth marks that pierced through the fabric and into his skin.  He was bleeding quiet intensly.  Thinking fast, I ran over to the first-aid box.  I was reliefed that I managed to grab some things before all of this happened.  Opening the small red box, I searched through it and pulled out the roll of bandages.  Grasping it in my hand, I ran back over towards Brendan, where I knelt back down at him.  I grabbed his right arm, and started to cover his wound with the bandage roll.  I rolled it around about five times before tearing it off where the small sticky end of the bandage was met.  I pushed the tape-like end to the bandage, sealing it down upon Brendan's wound.  This should keep him from bleeding furthur, yet I still did not know how much blood he lost already.  Noting from all of the blood around the area and which was now covering the bottom of my shoe, he must have bled out so badly that he passed out.  This was a theory however, as he could have passed out from shock.  I stood up and over him.  I grabbed his left hand, trying not to damage his right one any furthur, and attempted to pull him up.  I could barely lift him up before I finally stood him up next to me, where I threw his left arm over my shoulder.  I'm not sure how Brendan even managed to carry Phil here, this was hard work!  I started to walk forwards towards the couch where Phil had been lying down on.  With my other free hand, I grunted as I pushed Phil up and he fell onto the other side of the couch.  From there, I put Brendan down and he fell on the opposite side.  They were now both lying down upon the couch, both facing the opposite way.  This was starting to get real hectic and real quick.  My companions, and most closest friends, were both knocked out, probably even dying as I stand here.  I didn't know what to do at this point.  The thought of the zombies came through my mind once again.  I had to figure out how they got inside, and I needed to find how to fix it, fast.   Taking one last look at my friends, I darted towards the front enterance, to find that the barricade that I had set up was not even touched.  Maybe there was another enterance in which they could have got in?  There had to be some sort of fire exit or something in the back.  Nodding to myself, I ran off in the direction of the corridor in which I entered before to get the supplies.  I thought that I had saw some door back there that was red, maybe an exit.  I bursted through the double doors and quickly glanced my head around to find the door that caught my attention before.  Turning the corner, I saw a red door upon my left.  I stopped dead in my tracks in front of it and read the label on it, "RoofTop Acess Only.  Employees only."  Is there a way in which they could have came in from the roof?  How would they get up here?  Could they climb ladders?  My mind was being bombarded with questions, and I took a step closer to the door and pushed it open.  Upon entering, there was a flight of stairs that led up.  Without thinking, I started to jog up the stairs.  It was long and grueling, and eventually started to wear me out.  But before I knew it, I was finally at the last flight, and managed to make it where I was greeted with another red door in front of me.  I pushed it open to feel the breeze of the air go through me.  It felt good, although the smell of the air smelled like rot.  I was disgusted by the foul stentch, but eventually managed to get over it pretty quickly.  On the roof, there were many pipes and air conditioners up here.  There was nothing special about this roof.  I took a couple steps out and started to pace around the edge, being cautious not to fall of the roof.  I looked over to try and find some sort of ladder or something where they could have climbed up, or maybe a pipe?  They couldn't be that smart, but you can't just jump to conclusions in this matter of time.  Continuing to pace around, I noticed that there were no ladders or anything that could have led the zombies up here.  Shrugging it off, I started to turn around to make my way back down to Phil and Brendan to check to see if they were ok.  It was a dumb idea of me to leave them by themselves, as we were attacked just not too long ago.  As I was turning, I felt a large force come at me and I fell backwards.  I shut my eyes as I fell to the ground, and opened them later as my back hit the cement of the roof.  There, on top of me, was a large man that seemed to have a red bandana on and a large, grey hoodie on him.  His head was covered with a black beanie and his eyes were filled with destruction.  My reflexes instantly raised up my arm and punched the strange intruder in the face.  He gave a sharp cry of pain and he tumbled back off of her, stumbling a bit.  This gave me enough time to get up and get a better look at him.  He definatly wasn't Phil or Brendan, as he was not wearing the same attire and the pain he gave was in a more deeper voice.  He regained his balance and felt his nose, with a small amount of blood dripping down from it.  He shot an angry expression at me, "I'm going to kill you!" he yelled out before charging me.  I quickly managed to dodge his attack and he tripped over one of the small pipes that were going across the ground of the roof.  He fell down on to the ground face first and gave another sharp cry.  I ran over towards him and pinned him down, twisting his arms and holding his legs down to the ground.  He attemtped to struggle, but it was no use, as he was too much in an awkward position to get up.  Finally managing to give up, he started to cry at me, "Please! Let me go, have mercy!  I'm just trying to survive out here!  Help a fellow survivor out!"  I didn't move, as I didn't fall for his trick, or so I thought.  The tone in his voice wasn't very convincing.  I continued to stare at him as he continued to yell at me, "Please! I have a wife and child, and they are out there somewhere!  I need to find them and I was stuck on this roof!"  This time he sounded more promising, and I loosened my grip a little.  I wasn't too sure with his story, but I didn't think that I would be able to hurt another human being.  "Hah!" The strange man yelled out as he pushed me off his back and I fell backwards onto the ground.  He got up quickly before I, as I was dazed slightly, and he stood over me.  He pulled out some sort of knife and pointed it at me, "You are such a fool!  This time, I'm going to ri-" His voice was cut off by a loud bang, and large hole was embedded into his forehead now, blood splattering behind him.  He dropped the knife, landing right next to my leg, and he fell backwards onto the ground.  Shocked about what just happened, I quickly got up and turned around to see who did that to him.  There, standing near the door of the roof, pistol in hand, was Brendan.

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