Chapter Three

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Phil and Hannah continued their conversation on the opposite side of the attic as I stood in the same spot.  I kept thinking for a plan out of here.  The plan was that the zombies would eventually leave the house, giving us time to make a run for it.  It's only been about 10 minutes though, still not time for us to leave.  I looked back up towards Phil and Hannah.  They were both back up on their feet, and they looked towards me.  They both started to walk towards my direction, before stopping in front of me.  I stood there staring at them, waiting for them to talk.  Hannah spoke up, "Phil just wants to say sorry for what happened."  I looked over to Phil, and he nodded at me.  I raised an eyebrow at him, acting like she never said that, "What about your injury?"  Phil looked down at his leg where the scratch was, before looking back at me, "It's nothing, really.  I'll be fine."  I shook my head at him, crossing my arms, "By the way you are limping, it is not fine.  Plus, you can't limp your way across the state.  Plus, a bite may not be the only thing that can cause infection.  Maybe the virus is like bacteria, and slips through wounds to start infection." This put a worried expression on Hannah's face, and she looked at Phil.  He didn't seem surprised or worried, as if he knew already.  "So how are we going to treat it with no bandages or medicine?" He asked me.  I shruged, "Not really sure.  My only guess is to carry you to an hospital, or unless we can think of something."  Hannah looked around her, and it seemed like she spotted something.  She walked over to the corner of the attic, and pulled out what seemed to be some sort of fabric.  She crouched down next to Phil's leg and started to wrap it around his leg.  "There," she started, "That should at least stop the bleeding for a while, or possibly slow the infection rate." She stood back up, smiling at Phil.  He smiled back at her, "Thanks." He gave her another hug.  I shook my head at them, smiling a bit.  I looked around, to make sure if there was any other way out.  I started to pace around the room, taking note of my surroundings.  Phil watched me, "There is no other way out other than the door." Hannah nodded, "I checked everywhere for some door, and there isn't any but that."  I ignored what they said, and I looked at the walls.  They weren't cement.. But wood.  Taking notice of this, I knocked on the walls.  Phil raised an eyebrow at me, "What do you think you are doing?"  I continued to look at the wall and continued knocking, "Shhh.."  I continued to walk and knock along the walls.  They all seemed like they were layered upon each other.  I continued, with Hannah and Phil staring at me, until I did one final knock.  This knock didn't sound thick, but as if it was hollow.  I knocked in the same are to make sure I was correct.  I took a few steps back and stared at the wall, then turning my head at the two.  "This," I started pointing at the wall, "Is our way out of here."  Hannah looked at me puzzled, "We can't break through the wall, it's probably very thick! It would take us days!"  I chuckled slightly and shook my head, "Oh, silly Hannah.  You are correct, but this specific part right here," I said knocking gently on the hollow area, "Is not as thick as the other parts of the wall around me."  To demonstrate what I meant, I walked over a small table.  On the table was a statue of some sort of famous scientist or something.  I grabbed the statue and looked back over to the wall.  Holding it tight in my hand, I swung the head at the wall, which made a big dent in it.  I dropped the statue on the ground and turned to Phil and Hannah.  "See?" I said to them.  Phil's eyes widened, "Brendan, You're a genius!"  I smiled and bowed, "I know."  Hannah walked over to a hatstand and grabbed it by the spine.  She got a good grip on it and swung the end at the wall, and the wall began to dig deeper towards the outside.  Smiling, she continued to bash the wall with it.  Phil started to join in, and grabbed a metal chair, swinging at the wall also.  I stood back and watched as they bashed through it.  In about thirty seconds, some light peered in through the wall.  More determined than ever, Phil and Hannah continued to swing, before the wall was big enough for them to fit through.  "Great!" I exclaimed, "Grab your gear, we're leaving!"  Dropping their items, the two grabbed their backpacks, strapping them on, and grabbed their weapons, strapping them to their backs.  I grabbed my backpack and held the P226 in my hand.  I nodded at the two before taking a step out the hole.  There was a small cliff-like area in which they can stand on, which was part of the roof.  I took a step out, maintaining my balance on the roof.  I turned to see Phil coming out, and then Hannah.  Turning back around, I started to climb higher onto the top of the building, with the two doing the same.  As we reached the top, I looked around us, and we had a good view around the area.  Around us was piles of corpses, broken glass, broken cars, and some buildings were ransacked and burning.  I looked around to see that some of the cars looked completely fine.  I focused my eyes until I spotted one pick-up truck somewhere over the distance.  It wasn't too far, but it wasn't going to be easy getting there.  I turned back towards Phil and Hannah.  "OK, so if you look over there," I said pointing to the truck, "There is a pick-up truck that we can take.  I can't guarantee if it still works or if it has fuel, but we have to take the chance if we want to get out of here."  "But I can't go out there, my limping will slow us down." Objected Phil.  He was right.  We can't just let him go out there on his own, with his leg all scratched up like that.  I thought of a risky idea, but it was the only good one I had.  I looked both at them with a serious face, "I have an idea, but it will be really risky." Hannah didn't like the sound of this, "How risky?" She asked me.  I shrugged, "As risky enough that one of us might not make it." Hannah shook her head at me, "Then I don't follow.  I'm not going to do this plan."  I smiled at her, "Good, because I'll be doing it."  Phil raised his eyebrow at me, "What do you plan on doing, exactly?"  I started to explain, "Simple.  What is going to happen, is that I will get off of this roof.  Down on the side there is a big dumpster in an alley, we can jump off the roof down there, the garbage bags will cusion our fall.  So I'm going to get off this roof, and I will make my way towards the truck.  Once inside the truck, I will drive it over to you guys, where you will make your way towards me, and I will pick you up and we can get out of here!" It sounded like a decent plan, but Hannah quickly shook her head. "That's suicide!" She exclaimed at me.  "Got any better ideas?"  She didn't say a word but stare at me.  We couldn't stay here forever, we had to take action.  I turned my body towards the truck, taking note where it was.  I looked over to the side of the house, and made my way shuffling over to the side of the roof.  I looked down and found the dumpster.  I was just about to jump down before my arm was grabbed.  I turned my head to see Phil was holding onto it.  "You think this is a good idea?" He asked me concerned.  I shook my head, slightly laughing, "Nope!" Just as I said that, I jumped backwards off the roof.  Phil and Hannah quickly ran to the edge of the roof as they say my descent down.  I continued to fall until I felt my back as it hit the dumptser bags.  It didn't feel good, but it didn't hurt tremendously.  It was time to execute the plan.

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