Chapter Twenty Nine

Start from the beginning

Zerra: Erica, summoning the Grail takes a lot of mana, right? (looks at Erica)
Erica: Yeah, that's right.
Zerra: Aside from Nia's own supply of mana, what if forcing the Grail to summon also causes it to drain all forms of mana?
Jun: Then, does that mean that if we follow the direction of where the mana is being pulled, we can locate Valerie!
Zerra: Exactly!
Erica: You two go ahead. I'll contact HQ about what we discovered.
Jun & Zerra: Right! (nods)

Some time later, Jun and Zerra were in the backyard. Jun had several small toy balls in his arms.

Jun: Remember the plan Zerra. Once I start turning these into mana, we'll only have a moment to know the direction before I absorb it.
Zerra: Understood.

Erica enters the backyard with her phone still on her ears.

Erica: Leave your phone open so I can tract it using GPS. Once I see that you've stopped moving, I'll assume that you've arrived at the summoning site. I'll then contact HQ and give them the information.
Jun: Right. I'll be counting on you.
Erica: Same goes for you. You two are the only ones who can stop her.
Zerra: We'll try our best.
Erica: Good luck then.

Zerra summons her pair of flaming wings. Jun then turns one of the balls into mana and as expected, some of the particles were being pulled to a direction, specifically south.

Jun: Zerra, we're going south!
Zerra: Roger that!

Zerra takes hold of Jun and flies up in the air. She then flies southward, which was the same direction towards the city.

Zerra: We're heading for the city. Maybe Valerie is there after all.
Jun: I don't think so. Just continue flying towards this direction.
Zerra: Sure. Hang on!

Zerra increase her speed and arrived in the city in no time. However, the mana particles was still pointing forward.

Jun: Looks like our destination is beyond the city.

The mana particles finally gets absorb into Jun. He turns another ball into mana and continues flying forward. After about five minutes, the two had entered the outskirts of the city. Aside from a few small buildings, the rest were vast empty spaces.

Zerra: We've flown quite far from the city.
Jun: I believe it's for the best. I don't want any civilians getting caught in our battles.

As they continue their journey, Zerra sees something at the far distance. She looks carefully and realize that it was an amusement park. She notice that the mana particles were pointing in the same direction.

Zerra: Jun, there's an amusement park not too far away.
Jun: Really? I don't see anything though.
Zerra: Oh, sorry. I have enhanced sight so I can see much further than normal.
Jun: That's handy. It's the first time I've heard you could do that. Anyway, are there people there?
Zerra: No, I think it's abandoned.
Jun: It seems that's where the mana particles are being drawn to. There's no doubt about it. That's where Valerie is.

While they were getting closer, Zerra notice something glowing near the front gate of the park.

Zerra: Huh? What's that...? (murmurs)
Jun: What's what?

Zerra continues observing but suddenly, a powerful beam of red energy shoots from the gate and was heading straight for the two. Jun was oblivious of what was coming at them.

Zerra: Oh shit!
Jun: W-What is it...?
Zerra: Hang on!!
Jun: What...?!

At the last minute, Zerra quickly moves to the side as the beam of energy misses it's target. Zerra's sudden movement cause Jun to drop all the toy balls he was carrying.

Jun: What the hell was that?! (looks at Zerra)
Zerra: Probably an attack from a Servant. It must be Victor.
Jun: Him? He saw us when we're this far?
Zerra: He must have the same enhanced vision as I do.

Jun checks Zerra's condition and notice that there were smalls wounds around her arms. Her clothes were almost burnt a little.

Jun: Zerra! You're hurt!
Zerra: It's alright. This is nothing. It'll start healing soon. However....
Jun: "However"?
Zerra: That attack just now. It's kinda similar to mine. It's primary property is fire.
Jun: Fire? Do vampires possess suck an ability?
Zerra: I'm pretty sure they can control fire to an extent but I have a feeling you're wrong.
Jun: We'll just have to find out then.
Zerra: On it! Hang on, Master!

Zerra flies faster and prepares for any more attacks. Soon enough, both arrives at the amusement park but they land a safe distance away from the main gate, where someone was standing. Upon closer look, it seems to be a girl wearing a strange diamond shaped mask. It was Dianna.

Jun: You were right. It's not Victor.
Zerra: Then that has to be...Valerie's second Servant.

Dianna takes a step forward and Zerra responds by summoning her flaming sword in her hands. Once the Servant saw this, she stops walking.

Dianna: There's no doubt that you're here to stop my Master's plan.
Jun: Why are you even helping her?! She's not your true Master! (looks at Dianna)
Dianna: It doesn't matter who my original Master was. The truth right now is that she's my Master.
Jun: Just listen--!

Zerra steps in front of Jun and stops him from talking. She then talks to him while keeping an eye on Dianna.

Zerra: It's useless talking some sense to her, Jun. She's clearly under Victor's control.
Jun: Victor? Not Valerie?
Zerra: You may not be able to see it from here, but I do. On her neck are two bite marks.
Jun: Bite marks?
Zerra: Neo said that Victor's true identity was a vampire. You know what I'm trying to say, right?

Jun thinks for a moment and quickly comes to a conclusion.

Jun: Could it be that Victor's Noble Phantasm has the power to control anyone he bites?
Zerra: Most likely. After killing her first Master, Valerie used Victor's Noble Phantasm in order to turn her into her Servant.
Jun: Then there's no helping it then. We'll just have to fight her if we want to get to Nia.

Zerra prepares herself but before anything could happen, a thick cloud of swirling smoke appears next to Zerra, which startles her a little. Moments later, the smoke disperse and in it's place was Kuro, Nia's Servant. Both Jun and Zerra were surprised by his sudden appearance.

Zerra: Y-You..?! (looks at Kuro)
Jun: It's Nia's Servant. (murmurs)

Kuro holds out his right hand before a scythe materialize in it. He then talks but unlike his gibberish words before, he was speaking clearly, although his voice echoes a little.

Kuro: Go. Leave her to me. Save my Master.
Zerra: A-Are you sure? This Servant looks tough you know.
Kuro: Positive. Do not underestimate the Grim Reaper.
Zerra: Grim...Reaper? You're true identity is Death itself?

Kuro silently nods.

Jun: Zerra, if he's truly the manifestation of the Grim Reaper, then surely he can hold his own. Our job is to rescue Nia and stop Valerie.
Zerra: Fine. But how are we even going to pass her? She clearly has no intention of simply letting us walk in.
Kuro: Leave me. (eyes glow)

Suddenly, Jun's and Zerra's shadow turns into a swirling black portal. Before they could even realize what was happening, both of them gets suck into it. Dianna looks on in surprise.

Dianna: I see. You have the ability to teleport using shadows.
Kuro: Right now, those two should be somewhere inside. With them out of the way, I can go all out.
Dianna: Oh? Don't think you can beat me that easily just because you're true identity is that of the Grim Reaper. Even Death cannot escape death.

Kuro slowly removes his skull shaped mask to reveal his face for the first time. He was surprisingly good looking but he had angry expression on his face as his eyes glow black.

Kuro: I'll rip your soul to shreds. You'll pay dearly for taking my Master.

Dianna doesn't seem to be intimidated. As the two stare each other down, an image of a large, red, fire breathing dragon materialize behind the masked Servant.

Dianna: We shall see.....(murmurs)

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