"Me too." Jinhwan wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Thank you." I muttered. "You do too much for me."

"There's a reason I do." He said.

I stayed silent, thoughts running around in my head. How would I tell him? That I'm moving in 2 days? How could I leave him? I can't take him with me.

Maybe I shouldn't tell him, maybe it's for the best.

I gave a sad smile and kissed him. I'll miss this. But it's only for the best.

Jinhwan kissed me deeper, pressing me up against the wall. I wrapped my legs around him and he sucked the sweet spot on my neck, earning a pleasured noise from me.

He grabbed my legs and carried me to the bedroom, shutting the door behind him. I was placed on the bed, him crawling on top of me.

Jinhwan put his hand under my shirt, feeling the flesh on my stomach while kissing me passionately. I felt him lift my shirt off my shoulders, throwing it on the floor. He leaned back and admired me, biting his lip.

Jinhwan took off his shirt with my help and attacked my chest with kisses and bites. He grabbed my thigh, tracing circles in it with his thumb as he trailed kisses down my stomach.

I tilted my head back and let out a pleasured moan. "Jinhwan..."

Jinhwan grabbed my chin lightly. "You're mine." He said, before giving me another kiss.

I smiled, tangling my hands in his hair. This is one of the last moments together, just the two of us.

Jinhwan suddenly stopped, with a small kiss on the top of my nose. "Let's stop here."

I blushed and nodded, grabbing my shirt from his hands and putting it on.

The farther we go, the more scars will be left later.

Jinhwan laid down beside me, admiring my face.

"Stop staring!" I said.

"I'm not." Jinhwan said.

"I'm sleepy, so goodnight."

"You're always sleepy." Jinhwan said. "But goodnight, babe."

I'll let you go because I love you.


The next morning I woke up to Jinhwan's snores. I scowled to myself and told myself to resist to urge to hit him.

We nearly went that far last night. I remembered the events.

I sighed. Tomorrow I'll be leaving. I kept telling myself 'it's for the best' even when I know it's not. For me.

But look what I've done to him, I can't live off of him any longer, not matter how much I love him.

So I'll leave, if it's the best for Jinhwan.

Jinhwan groaned as he woke up.

"Good morning, dumbass." I said.

"Morning." He croaked.

"You snore so fucking loud."

"My bad." He chuckled. He opened one eye to look at me. "Remember last night?"

"I do, in fact." I said.

"Good." He said. "We'll go farther next time."

There won't be a next time. I thought. "You little pervert."

"No, I'm being completely honest and giving you a warning." Jinhwan said. "And you look good in black."

"Jinhwan! No one asked." I said, face heating up. I hit him in the chest.

Jinhwan chuckled.


I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror. I'm leaving you, today.

"Jinhwan?" I called.

He poked his head out of the bathroom. "Yeah?"

"...I don't think we should be together anymore." I said softly.

Jinhwan's expression dropped. His eyes widened. "...why??"

"It's not healthy." I said. "I can't."

"W-what do you mean you can't??"

"I can't be with you anymore." I said.

"But why??"

"Jinhwan, just let me go!!" I said. "We can't be together, we just can't."

Jinhwan's jaw clenched. "You're...breaking up with me?"

"Yeah." I said, trying to avoid his gaze. But when I looked up, I was met with heartbroken and betrayed eyes.

"I won't let you go...until you give me a reason." Jinhwan' voice cracked.

"...I don't love you."


Those words that left my mouth crushed me. Those lies. But it was for the best. It is for the best.

He looked at me with new, hardened eyes. "Was it all a lie then?? ...were you fooling me this whole time?" He asked, completely heartbroken.

"I'm sorry." I said. My heart felt like it was being crushed into a million pieces. I didn't want to look in Jinhwan's eyes, I already knew what I was going to see.

Heartbreak and betrayal.

This is the last time I'll ever hurt you.

"You were using me?" Jinhwan raised his voice. "When I thought you loved me? When I kissed you like that?!"

"It's not like that." I said and opened my mouth once again, but nothing came out.

Jinhwan looked away coldly. "I don't want to see you." He said. "Go."

Those words pushed the knife deeper in my heart, even if I knew I was doing this to myself.

It's only for the best.

Delinquent: iKON Kim JinhwanWhere stories live. Discover now