Steve: Chapter 28 (fluff)

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Steve walked into his and Bucky's room. He looked over and saw Bucky sprawled up on the bed, grabbing a pillow and aggressively squeezing it. Steve knew what was going on. He was having a nightmare. This happened very often when Steve wasn't sleeping with him in the bed. He quickly climbed on top of him and brushed his hand through his hair.
"Buck... you're okay." Bucky suddenly jolted, then loosened up and relaxed. His eyes slowly opened.
"Thank you, Steve," he whispered. Steve kissed him and let go. He stood up to go take a shower and when he got out and was dressed, he walked out of the bathroom and saw Bucky messing around with his new phone. He climbed onto the bed and climbed on top of Bucky and laid down. He folded his arms on Bucky's lap and placed his head on top of them. Bucky moved his phone out of his face and placed a hand around Steve's cheek.
"You're a doll." He said. Steve chuckled. He lifted his arm up and swept away the hair out of Bucky's face.
Bucky did a little smile and grabbed Steve's hand.
"I love you, Steve."
"I love you too." Steve reached up and pecked Bucky on the lips. Bucky chuckled. Steve laid his head down onto his lap and closed his eyes. Bucky brushed his hand through Steve's hair as they both drifted into a slumber.

Later that night, when everyone was asleep, Bucky woke up and felt around the bed. Groggily he thought, Where's Steve? He shot his head around the room seeing if he was around somewhere. He looked over and saw Steve hunched over, sitting on the edge of the bed. Bucky sat up and scooted over to him.
"You okay, babe?" He placed his arms around him. Steve remained silent and just laid back down next to Bucky and hugged him.
"Steve, you're worrying me. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, I just... I couldn't fall asleep. For some reason I, I just wanted to talk to you."
"About what?" Steve breathed in, then exhaled slowly.
"I'm just, anxious, I guess? Well, I don't think stressed out is accurate, I'm excited more so."
"'Bout what?" Steve smiled.
"Christmas." Bucky completely forgot about Christmas. He hadn't even thought about it since he had been unthawed.
"I didn't even think about Christmas. What're we doing for it?" Steve had to think for a moment. Spending time alone back at their place would be wonderful, but he didn't want to not be with the rest of the Avengers.
"Maybe we should spend it with your buddies, Steve. I think they'd like that since you don't see them a lot anymore."
Steve pulled his hand up from under the blankets and caressed Bucky's jaw and cheek.
"You're right. We should." Steve leaned forward and kissed his cheek. He pulled his hand back and wrapped it around Bucky.
"Don't go sneaking any mistletoe around me, Steve." They both closed their eyes and smirked.

Sorry this chapter is so freaking late. I wanted to post this before Christmas, but I never got around to it since I had writer's block and didn't finish it 😅 sorry for the boring chapter 😂

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