Bucky: Chapter 3

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* 4/2/18
So I went back and changed some stuff since BP came out and I want to make it more accurate to the story (so I added Shuri instead of only T'Challa)

Warmth surrounded Bucky. He slowly started to feel sensation in his finger, limbs, and finally his core. When in cryo, you stay in a sleep like state, but you can still dream and have consciousness. Very little, but still some. Bucky's current cryo dreams always had Steve in them. He could never quite pinpoint why, but he was always just, there.
Bucky slowly opened his eyes and blurry white lights blinded him as he slowly began to regain his vision. He saw 4 doctors with white silky coats. Standing next to them was T'Challa and Shuri, his little sister. She was quite a bright girl, it reminds Bucky of his little sister... A faint smile grew onto his pearly teeth.
"Welcome back, Sergeant Barnes," Shuri stated. "Are you feeling alright?"
"By my regular standards, I'd say I'm okay," Bucky managed to wheeze out. He slowly pulled his body upward into a sitting position as he groaned. His body ached from not being used, it longed for exercise.
T'Challa and Shuri spoke to Bucky for nearly an hour asking how his body felt before he mentioned the idea of getting a surgery. Bucky was the first to mention anything. They walked around the facility as Bucky began to regain his full balance.
"So... how long have I been under?" He finally asked.
"Well, it's been about 2 months since your last check up on your vitals, but in total it's been 5 months since you went under the first time," Shuri managed to say. Before Bucky had the chance to say another word, T'Challa began:
"I've been talking to my Shuri... would you like to explain, Sister?"
"It would be my pleasure," she said as she sarcastically bowed. He nudged her. "We, well I, have a surgery plan that will fix the part of your brain that has been tainted by Hydra scientists." Bucky looked at them with a confused look almost as if to say, "You can fix me?...," T'Challa nodded as he read his expression. Bucky sighed and looked at his hands while he twiddled his thumbs. All of a sudden, he looked at Shuri and gave her a light, but an emotion filled hug.
"Thank you," he whispered. He removed himself from the embrace and looked at her with another look of concentration and concern.
"Where will I stay... am I just going back into cryo?" T'Challa explained further:
"Well, I was hoping this could possibly answer that," T'Challa pulled a white letter out from his suit pocket and handed it over to Bucky. In gentle writing on the front, it read:
From: Steve
"If you want to read this in private, I understand." Shuri offered. "My office is open if you would like to be in there. I need to talk to some of the doctors working on the operation with me," T'Challa and Shuri walked away and left the large room. Bucky stood up and walked over to the office and peaked his head in. As he walked in, he looked around and saw many pictures of Shuri and T'Challa with family and their late father. He looked down at the ground, then continued to walk over to a seat and sat down. He slowly and neatly opened up the envelope. He pulled out a message and began to read it:

Dear Friend,
I received the news that you would be undergoing surgery. I'm happy to hear you'll be okay again. I hate to think about you in pain. I just want you to be happy. If you haven't found out yet, I'm at a secret facility that Nick Fury had made a while back. I'm living with Scott, Wanda, Sam, and Clint currently. We can't really go anywhere right now since we're still wanted. Even though I have roommates, I still feel lonely. I wanna see my old pal again. I haven't told the others yet, but I've been planning for you to come live with us, only if you want to of course. I'm still working out some of the details. We have a bunch of extra rooms since the other half of the Avengers doesn't live here. It'll be great, it'll be just like old times. There'll be more people, but we'll be together. I don't know how to tell you this, but I haven't been sleeping well. I really want to talk to you again. Seen you soon, buddy.


Bucky looked up then took the letter and pressed it to his chest.

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