Chapter 41

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Chapter 41
"Jennifer, are you alright," William woke me. I jumped out of bed in fright.
"Did you know that you were screaming in your sleep?"
"I-I-I did," I asked still a little jumpy from that nightmare.
"Yeah! You woke me up."
"Well, I'm sorry, I had a terrible nightmare," I said.
"About what," he asked sleepily.
'No; I'll give you nightmares. Do you even want to know,' I thought of asking him, but he's my friend; he's here for me. I hesitated a long while before telling him what happened.
"You were a Golden Freddy!"
"I was a- so that's why you were screaming," he asked in alarm.
"You were so terrifying! And literally the whole band went berserk on me. Stephen tried to burn me in fire; I had several werewolves, zombies, and vampires after me. You seemed to want to murder me. And everyone was just like; 'You betrayed us!'"
"Jennifer, what gave you those thoughts?"
"I have no idea. I guess it has to do with my own feelings towards the marching band," I said.
"Well, you go back to bed, and get a good nights sleep. I'm going back to bed myself."
Before going back to bed, I decided I would write something. No, I would make something. A song in dedication to the marching band and for my own actions in the marching band itself. A parody of another song if you will for I do not own the song. I wrote,
'The sun raises on the asphalt today, not an instrument to be claimed... A kingdom of musicians and it looks like I'm section leader. The air gets sucked in and blew out of the horn. Couldn't feel it, no, Mr. Smith knows I tried! Don't let them down; don't let them fall! Be the good girl you always have to be! "Conceal; don't play; don't let them know!" Well now they know! Let it out; let it out that so called section leader is gone! I don't care; if a wrong note slips! "Let the music be played!" The band never bothered me anyways! It's funny how some numbers; makes everything seem large. A fear that once controlled me can't get to me at all. It's time to see how high I can go; to test the limits and break through! No "right on the dot, but not dressing form." Don't forget to separate! Let it out; let it out! Don't hold it back anymore! Let it out; let it out! Here I stand and here I stay! "Let the music be played!" The band jazz runs through the football field on halftime! Now the band gets fed free hot dogs and soda all season long! Now the band is watching Drum Major in the stands! I'm never going back; the past is in the past! Let it out! Let it out; sneak back in like a ninja! Let it out; let it out; give him all your eggs and bacon! Here I stand, and here I stay! "Let the music be played!" The band never bothered me anyway!'

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