Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
"I have a small car, and I can't fit everyone in my car, so if you can drive and if you want to you can drive your vehicle and follow me to my house. We're going to be staying there for the season. Philip, come with me. Nicholas," Claire asked.
"I can just bike there!"
"But you won't know where to go," Claire pointed out.
"Not unless you give me your address, and I can just find it."
"But still. I'd feel more comfortable if you were riding with someone."
"Okay, fine. You win!"
"Can you take Nicholas with you," Claire asked.
"I don't mind. I have room in the back to throw his bike in," Connor said.
"Thanks," Claire said.
"Do you mind squeezing in my car? Or would you rather fit in Connor's car?"
"It might be better if I went with Connor," Benjamin said.
"Or how about this, if you think or want to go with Claire just go with her. And if you want to go with me, come with me," Connor said.
"Good thinking," Claire said.
Philip, Nicholas, and Vincent all climbed into Clarie's small Toyota Prius as she got the engine on and started the AC. All the other five was with Connor in his vehicle. "Practice felt good today. But I still think we're a little behind in learning drill," Vincent said. "Why is that," Nicholas asked.
"Well, the weather hasn't been treating us fairly," Vincent explained.
"It's been raining like all week, but we still got a lot of stuff done."
"True. I guess you could say that," Vincent said.
"You guess," Claire asked as she was driving.
"What else do you think we need to work on?"
"Memorizing our music. Because we have the hard parts," he said.
"We all have to memorize our music, and some of us has harder parts than others. But that doesn't mean that we can't memorize them," Claire said encouragingly.
"Look, I'm sure you'll do great Vincent. Okay? You just gotta believe!"

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