Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
"Stephen stop!"
  Drew grabbed Stephen's arm.
"NO; SHE DESERVES IT," Stephen screamed at the top of his lungs.
"You're beating her up! That's not even your job-" but Drew was cut off.
"I DON'T," Stephen cussed at the top of his lungs "CARE! SHE DESERVES IT!"
"Stephen, do you want the cops after you," Brandon asked profoundly.
"Will you stop screaming please," Ryan asked nicely.
"How much louder can you yell? There's a cop that lives literally right down the street," James said.
"Well, let's take her," Stephen said; not making any sense. "What, are you out of your mind? We NEED her! If we lose her for any reason whatsoever we'll have one less baritone in the band! And that's one sacrifice I'm not willing to make," Drew reasoned.
"Who gives a," Stephen cussed again.
  "Stephen Anderson! If you don't stop with this nonsense, and with the bad" Drew cussed, "swearing you're going to get it!" Stephen froze in his tracks.
"Going to get what," he asked.
  "I mean, I'm going to possibly have everyone else in the section team up with me and then I'll do the exactly the same thing that you did with Jennifer!  Only this time, I'd record it and make it an embarrassment for you," Drew said his voice getting cruel by the minute.
William walked into the room to see my body laid out on to the floor. William's eyes became wide as a deer in highlights, and his face became white as a ghost. William ran to me as his jaw dropped. He had the face of horror written on his face. "Jennifer," he asked questionably.
  "She should be okay by morning," Ryan said.
"But what happened?"
"Stephen beat her up," Ryan answered.
  "That twit! I'll get him later!"
  "Oh, don't be too harsh on him. Drew already gave him a beating," Ryan said.
  "How did I miss that?"
  "Oh, don't worry; Drew only verbally gave Stephen a beating. But he did threaten to use the whole section against him if he ever beats Jennifer up again," he said.
  "I'm usually not a 'revenge,' type of guy unless someone REALLY deserves it."
  I heard William's voice, and Ryan's voice too.
"Don't worry about me," I managed to speak.
"Jennifer! You're alright," William asked in that questionable voice again.
"Why of course! Now help me up before going to bed," I said. "Why of course," William said as he held out a hand to help me up on my feet. I got back on my feet. 'Ow, I forgot about my shoulders,' I thought.
  "You're awesome, and goodnight," I said.
  "You're more awesome for surviving that knock out! Goodnight, Jennifer," William said.

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