Chapter 13

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Chapter 13
After school today, I biked back home. I biked back to my home. I biked back home because I wanted to go on YouTube because I only get Wifi at my house. So I could only go on the internet at my own house. I rode home, and my dad was gone for work as usual. I went on my iPad and I looked up music videos on YouTube. There was one music video that really spoke to me. It spoke to me so much that I bought it on iTunes, so I could listen to it whenever I wanted to. The song was called Family Portrait by Pink. I could see myself with my section singing this song. Begging them to be a family as the song states. I felt a little sad and broken. My phone rang; I was tempted to just let it ring in my ears and miss the call. I looked at my phone to see who was calling me; it was just a 727 number, in which I don't typically answer my phone when I don't know who it is. But I thought; 'my section leader might be getting worried,' so I answered it. "Jennifer, where are you?" It was Drew. 'Speak of the devil,' I thought to myself.
  "I'm home."
  "What are you doing over there? We're about to have sectionals!"
  "Okay then, I'm on my way," I said.
  We hung up. I rushed on my bike; I was biking faster than I've ever had before. I got tired easily on my bike because I was biking so fast; I was using so much energy that I wouldn't have enough energy for the sectional today.
I was able to make it within just fifteen minutes after Drew called me at his house, and they only just now started warming up. I grabbed my baritone and joined my section. Although, I was tempted to just skip sectional and miss out. I was that sad. Man, am I homesick. But this is my secondary family; what am I homesick for? I'm just not having a good week; huh? "Jennifer, are you doing okay? You look worried."
"Oh, I'm not worried. I'm okay."
"You can't hide the truth forever. Now, I know that face! What's wrong?"
I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out again.'I can't tell Drew! I just can't!'
"Well then, cheer up! Can I make a deal with you?"
  "About what?"
"About your moodiness, and that your play out. You play out, and I'll be your ears for you to talk to."
"I don't know."
"Come on, when have I let you down?"
  I thought about my freshman year marching when I wasn't so sure about my part and I didn't feel comfortable enough to play during sectional in the instrument room. And I remembered Drew was the witness because he was the victim that I choose to look off of. But I faked it that day because I wasn't so sure. And then I became the victim that day because Drew told Hoftman. And I felt horrible that day. I didn't want to ever feel that way ever again. Never again. I wanted to play so bad, but I won't get the part right. "I'm sorry, but you can't count on me..." My eyes got watery and I ran upstairs to put the baritone away. "Jennifer! Jennifer! Jennifer," Drew called for me. He started running after me until I said tearfully; "Just continue sectional without me, and leave me alone!" I ran to the room and I closed the door. I started my Chinese homework because I knew that would calm my nerves down, and I would hopefully stop crying.
"Dinner is served," Mrs. Payne announced. "Let me let Jennifer know," Drew said. I finished my Chinese homework, and I started my reading homework. Drew knocked on the door; "Jennifer, dinner's ready." I remained quiet. "Jennifer I know you're in there," he said. I still remained quiet. "Don't make me come in there!" I just continued to read on the bed. Drew opened the door, and sure enough William was right there with him. I glanced over at them.
"Dinner's ready."
"What's for dinner?"
"You mean, spaghetti, gravy and meatballs?"
  "What else?"
"I have an allergy, and I looked at your refrigerator before cooking breakfast for you guys, and there's barely anything I can eat due to my restricted allergy. I'm going to have to go to Subway everyday to satisfy dinner plans."
"Well, we're not going to have spaghetti, gravy and meatballs every night for dinner; somebody has to eat it."
  "I do understand, but I'm afraid I'm allergic."
  "What can you eat and what can't you eat?"
  There was a long silence in the air for a second.
"It's complicated, so let me worry about it."
"Okay, and are you going to bike to Subway again?"
"Most likely."
"William do you mind going with her?"
  "I don't have my bike."
  "You can borrow my dad's bike."
"I'm only sending William with you because he's the eldest one out of all of us."
"So why can't I just drive her over there again?"
  "Good question, William. Why can't he just drive me over there Drew?"
"That IS a good question, but I feel like if William's going to drive over there then we should all go."
"Okay then, I'll just bike with Jennifer then."
William used Drew's dad's bike, and I used my bike.
  "Now, don't you be getting any ideas!"
  "What you talking about?"
"You're not my lovers boy bodyguard!"
  "I ain't your lovers boy, but I might be your bodyguard."
  We laughed.
  "But seriously, if something bad ever happens to you; I'm the one going to be responsible."
"Right, and you may be my "bodyguard" just for tonight."
"If anyone hurts you EVER at ANYTIME; they're going to have to go through me. No matter what."
  I laughed.
"No I'm serious. If anyone hurts you, or ever wants a piece of you; you tell me and I'll make them wish that they were never born."
"I bet you would," I said with a smile. 'So what about Stephen,' I asked myself.
We crossed Indigo Rd, and continued biking to Subway.
  "So do you like Subway?"
"I actually used to hate Subway when I was younger."
  William gave me the 'what,' face.
"I'm starting to like Subway through."
"You better be," he said.
"So why were you so sad earlier today?"
I wasn't comfortable talking about my situation to the brass captain. Especially to the brass captain. He would kill me if he knew what I've done.
"Well, what's wrong?"
  I rushed all my words as if I was saying one word.
I spoke so fast all he heard was bibber bladder.
  "I just had a bad day today," I took a breath before speaking. "Why? What happened?"
"I really don't feel like talking about it. It's kind of personal." "Kind of? Is it personal or is it not?"
"Well, I feel like you should know, but I don't want to pressure myself any further than I'm already am pressured. And I feel like you should already know. Everyone should know by now," I said sadly.
"What should everyone know?"
  "I... I... I..."
I couldn't find the courage to tell him, or the right words... "What?"
"Drew knows. And bless his sweet little heart; he's trying to help me. I thought he'd be very angry at me."
"Why would anyone be angry at you?"
"Because I let you guys down. I let everyone down."
"Jennifer, you didn't let one soul down! If anything you pick them up. You pick them up when they're all down. You're dedicated to the band program! Not just to marching band, but the whole band program."
  I gave William a bro fist. I was glad that I had someone who could listen to me, and give me the right advice I need when I need it the most.

Marching On The Club Book 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora