Chapter 10

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***AN: Sensitive Scene Later in Chapter!!



It's been two weeks since that night at Ryker's house. Two weeks since Ryker found out he was adopted. Two weeks since we've talked. 

And in two weeks, a lot has changed. 

Jared broke up with me the Monday after that night. He said that I made him look like a fool when I left to go see Ryker. Surprisingly, I wasn't super upset. Frankly he wasn't nearly as great as I'd imagined he was and I didn't have too much time to overthink things because I was distracted by other things. 

In the past two weeks Dad's drinking has gotten worse. And to make matters even worse, he lost his job due to his drinking. This meant that he was home more often and that he was angrier and grumpier. 

In order to get away from home I got a job at the same restaurant as Miranda, working as a hostess. The job was easy and my coworker were nice, plus I had extra company in Miranda since talking to Ryker wasn't happening right now. 

I knew he was upset that night, and those I was hurt by his tone and kicking me out, I understood it. At least he felt comfortable to lash out at me. His parents came home the next day so I gave him space. 

But on Monday he didn't pick me up. I walked to his house and saw his car gone, meaning he left without me. Then I saw him at school and he ignored and avoided me. He wouldn't answer my phone calls or texts and has continued to avoid me these past two weeks. 

I missed my best friend. 


It's been the hardest two weeks of my life. I sat in that study for hours after Bea left, and eventually fell asleep in there. 

I woke up before my parents and quickly readjusted everything to make sure they didn't know I was in here. 

I went out for a while before they came home and things were pretty awkward for me. I thought I was doing pretty good at not showing anything was wrong until later that night I was watching television and they both came in. 

They sat on the love-seat, their faces somber. They had noticed I was quiet all day but what they also noticed was that the adoption papers were in a different spot that they typically were, making it evident that I had been in there. 

Finally I admitted that I had in fact seen the papers. 

They looked at each other, with an expression I couldn't decipher. "Honey, we didn't want you to find out this way. We were going to tell you honestly." Mom started, leaning forward, reaching for my hands which I moved back.

"Then why didn't you?" I asked angrily. 

"Because it's complicated. You're young Ryker and we wanted you to have a happy childhood and telling you something like that didn't seem right." Dad said. 

"I'm just so confused." I said weakly. 

"Well let's start at the beginning.." 


After that we began talking everyday. About my adoption, how I was feeling, and everything in between. But we skirted around the biggest issue, my birth parents. 

It was a fews after the first discussion until I finally asked them. Neither of my parents really knew my birth parent really well, but they weren't in the best places when they had me. They didn't have their contact info on them, but offered to find it for me if I wanted it. I declined, if I was going to meet them, it would be on my own. 

In those two weeks I hadn't once seen or spoke to Bea. I felt bad for that night two weeks ago. I didn't mean to snap at her like that, she was only trying to help. But with school, the new discovery, and recent family therapy visits to discuss the adoption I just kept putting off my apology to Bea. 

She must be furious at the way I cut her off but I knew she understood, she had to. 


"Worthless, stupid, a waste!" My dad screamed at my Mom awakening me yet again from my sleep. 

"Please calm down." Mom begged him

I haven't slept a full night in weeks. I was exhausted and alone. 

I stepped out of my room to make sure my mom was okay. There Dad was, eyes droopy and red from being intoxicated. "Mom, are you alright?" I asked tiredly. 

"Ahh look Joanne here's your big hero. Our darling daughter has come to save you because you're too fucking weak to protect yourself." Dad snarled. 

Mom's eyes were pooled with tears. My heart hurt, but this wasn't the first time Dad had said such hurtful things to her. 

"That's enough for the night Dad." I said, trying to take Mom's arm to lead her to my room. 

Dad snatched my arm tightly, "What did you just say to me?" He asked, eyes dark, nostrils flaring. 

"I said that was enough. Leave Mom alone she didn't do anything." I said bravely. 

That's when a hard slap came across my face. 

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