Chapter 17

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I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face.

Bea kissed me. 

I was terrified of how she was gonna react when I told her how I felt about her. But she didn't run away, she kissed me. I popped out of bed, eager to see her and kiss her again. I quickly got changed out of my pajamas into new clothes, wanting to look good in front of Bea. 

I trotted down the stairs and heard Bea's voice speaking with her mother and Heath. 

I saw the three of them talking in the kitchen. I suddenly felt awkward, and didn't know if I should go in or give them space. That's when Mrs. Turner spotted me, "You can come in Ryker." She said, waving me over. 

Bea looked up and smiled shyly at me, "Hey Ryk," She greeted softly. 

"Morning Bea." I greeted back. 

"It's actually good timing you're here Ryker. There's something I want to talk to Bea about and I think you should be here too." Mrs. Turner said. Bea looked nervous, I squeezed her arm encouragingly. 


She led Bea and I over to the couch in Heath's living room and the Bea's Mom and Heath sat opposite us. "Mom please just tell me what's going on. I'm nervous." Bea burst out. 

I scorched closer to Bea and put my arm around her. She smiled and leaned into me. Heath and Mrs. Turner shot each other looks. "Well Bea I know that these past months have been difficult for you.." Mrs. Turners started. 

Bea's face was contemplative, her eyes dimming. Her Mom leaned forward and squeezed her hand, "I want you to know how much I appreciate you stopping your life and moving down here. But this is too much. I can't stand you being sad anymore. It's too much, on you and on me. Which is why..." She trailed off again. 

"Why is why, after Christmas you are moving back home with Mom." Heath finished. 


I was shocked, I can't believe that I was able to finally go home. I leaned forward, "Really? I can move back home?" Bea asked for clarification. 

Mom nodded, "Yes, you're coming back home. I think now that your father is settled into the rehabilitation program and I'm settled that I think there's no need for you to have to move, especially for the rest of your senior year. I've already called your school and re-enrolled you, you only missed a few weeks so you'll be able to just catch up and you'll be graduating right on time." Mom smiled. 

I jumped up and pulled my Mom into a huge hug. "Thank you thank you thank you!" I squealed, squeezing her tightly. 

I then turned to Heath, "Heath you know I love you so much.  And it's been great spending time with you, Jal, and the kids, but I just need to go back home." I said. 

He cupped my face, "Though I'd love for you to stay, I want you to be happy and going home is what will do that. Just please come and visit often." He said, kissing my forehead. 

I smiled, "I will, I promise. Thank you Heath." 

I turned to Ryker and his smile was a mile wide. I ran and jumped into his arms, "I'm coming home!" I yelled. He stood up and squeezed me tightly while he spun me around. 

He placed me down and Mom's face looked pleased and Heath's arms were crossed. I felt my face get hot with blush. "Should we go out and celebrate? Ryker has to drive back soon so he can spend Christmas with his family." I suggested. 

"That sounds wonderful." Mom responded. 

"I know a nice place we can get some brunch." Heath suggested. 


We all piled into Heath's car and drove off. Heath and Mrs. Turner and the front seat while Bea sat in the middle seat right next to me because one of Heath's daughter's car seats was on the other side. 

"Cozy." I joked as I wiggled around, trying to get comfortable. Even though Bea and I were squished in the backseat,  I didn't mind. I threw an arm around Bea's shoulders cautiously to which to my delight I found Bea scooch in closer to me. 

"It's just up another couple of miles." Heath said. 

"Sounds good." Bea replied, leaning her head against my shoulder. I inhaled deeply, smelling the comforting smell of her coconut shampoo.  

She adjusted her head and snuggled in further to me, making my body warm. 


"That place was so good Heath." I complimented as we hopped out of the car and walked back in toward the house. 

"Yeah it's a nice place. Jal and I actually had one of our first dates there after my car broke down once." He responded. Heath smiled at the memory, he was so in love with his wife and all I could see in my mind was Ryker. He was the only one who made me smile like that, maybe we could be like that one day. 

We still had to talk about our kiss last night, but when we had the chance to be alone of course. He went upstairs to get his bag because he had to head home to make it home for the holidays in time. 

I sat on a stool in the kitchen while I waited for Ryker to come back down. Mom set her bag down on the counter. "So, anything you want to tell me?" She asked with an expectant look on her face. 

The look on her face told me she was asking about Ryker. I decided to play coy with her, "What do you mean?" 

She smiled, "Just you looked awfully comfortable in that backseat with a certain someone." 

I blushed, "Mom I don't know, honestly." I told her. 

She was about to say something else when we heard steps coming. "Hey, I'm all packed." Ryker said, dropping a bag down. I turned around and smiled at him. 

"Thank you so much for having me Mrs. Turner, it was really nice. Happy holidays." Ryker said. 

Mom hugged him, "Thank you for coming here, it was so nice to see you. Thank you for being such a good friend to my daughter." She squeezed him tightly. 

Ryker smiled, "Thank you and Heath for letting me visit, it was great." He said. 

They broke apart and Mom smiled and kissed him on the cheek. 

He then turned to me. "I'll walk you out to your car." I said. 

He picked up his bag and I followed him out the door. We walked quietly to his car and while he loaded his bag. He shut the back seat and turned to face me. "So..." He started, rocking on his heels. 

I smiled shyly, "So..." 

He stepped closer to me, "We should talk about last night." He said.

I nodded, "We probably should. But for now, let's just enjoy it." I said. 

He smiled, tilting my chin, and leaning down to kiss me gently. I smiled, his lips tasted like maple syrup from the brunch we had. I felt tingles running up and down my body as he touched me. 

As we broke apart I looked up at him, his green eyes shining down at me. "Merry Christmas Bea." He said softly. 

"Merry Christmas Ryker, I'll see you around New Years Eve." I smiled. 

He nodded, gave me a kiss on the top of my head before sliding in his car. He started his car and drove off. I kept waving until his car was no longer in view. 

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