Chapter twenty eight

Start from the beginning

"Ah shut up you big baby." he said angry before pulling his finger out and now it was covered in her blood. Then he smiled again and placed his finger on Theo's mouth which made him flinch and he looked grossed out. 

"Now let's turn that frown, upside down." Jerome joked before he made a sad mouth on him with the blood and Elena giggled at his creativity. Jerome grabbed Theo and pulled him out of the chair so he almost stumbled.

"You know what, I want to try something fun. My plans for this evening is to made you suffer, greatly. So let's see how much pain you can handle!" Jerome said and found a staple gun.

"What are you..." Theo started saying confused, but then he bit his lip hard and closed his eyes as Jerome grabbed his arms and put a staple in his skin. Jerome smiled as he looked at him trying to act tough. He put in another staple and Theo still managed to stay still and not react. Jerome's smile disappeared and he was getting more annoyed. He tightened his grip around Theo's arm and put in another staple and this time Theo could not take it. He let out a painful groan as he flinched.

"Stop!" he begged and Jerome's smile came back.

"Let's walk." Jerome said as they started to walk. Theo tried to shake the pain away as he was bleeding. But he took a deep breath and followed Jerome.

"Is there a plan to all this madness?" Theo asked trying to sound calm. It was almost like he didn't want to realize he had lost.

"These people don't want a plan, they want an excuse. The mother who dreams of strangling her child or the husband who wants to stab his wife. All they want is someone to tell them 'Do it, kill them. It doesn't matter.' Jerome said, but then he looked behind Theo and a sinister smile came up on his face.

"Ooh I love this game" he said before rushing past him. Theo turned around confused, but then his eyes widened and he gasped. There was dunk tank, but with a twist, the water was filled with hungry piranhas. All though that's not why he gasped. Over the tank sat Tabitha tied up with tears running down her cheeks. Blood were running down her foot from the gunshot and into the water which made the piranhas go crazy.

"Would you like the honor, my lady?" Jerome asked Elena as he reached a ball to her. She smiled and nodded before grabbing the ball out of his hand.

"Please stop, let her go!" Theo begged, but Elena held up her hand to him.

"Shush, I need go concentrate!" she joked before standing in front of the tank and prepared to throw. Tabitha had duck tape over her mouth and she was trying to scream and it pleased Elena to see her like that. It was revenge for how she had treated her. She took a deep breath and just when she was about to throw, she felt two hands on her back that pushed her forward so she stumbled. Shocked she turned around and frowned as she looked at Theo then quickly over at Jerome.

"He pushed me! Did you see that?" she complained, but Jerome didn't get to reply before Theo interrupted.

"You want to kill someone, kill me! But let my sister go!" Theo demanded and tried to get loose while Jerome's little helpers held him down. Elena just yawned while she stretched out her arms.

"Gosh, you're just so boring Theo." she said and then leaned her hand on to the big button. Theo screamed at the top of his lungs as he watched Tabitha fall down into the water who instantly turned bloody red. Elena looked over at Jerome and moved her eyebrows up and down and it made him laugh proudly of her. Theo was down on the ground with his face buried in his palms as he cried his eyes out. Elena walked over to him and grabbed him by the hair to force his head up. He looked into her eyes who were filled with rage while his were filled with tears.

"Shouldn't have pushed me now should you?" she said and let him go before she walked over to Jerome. Theo growled and tried to run against them, but Jerome's helpers grabbed him again and held him back.

"You guys are insane! What's the point of this?!" he yelled angry. Jerome walked closer to him and tilted his head.

"The point is that all these people out here, looting, robbing, killing, they're the people who wash your car, who pour your coffee, and take out your trash. And what happened the moment the lights went out? They showed their true faces. They showed how quickly they want to open up your rich man veins and bathe in your blue blood. That's the point." he answered.

Elena loved his speeches, his standpoint and visions. He had a different way of thinking and it made people see everything wrong with the system.

"But enough dilly-dally, to the main event." he said excited as he, Elena and Barbara started walking and Theo was forced with them. But on the outside of the circus was Jim and Harvey who had followed one of Jerome's fans there. After Jerome and Elena's comeback and them kidnapping Lee plus all the civilians they were hurting, he had been determine to find them and throw them back into Arkham. But he knew now the only way to stop Jerome was to take the only thing he cared about, and that was Elena.

Ahh things are getting so crazy! I love it.


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