Chapter twenty seven

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After a few days in the apartment they had come up with a plan to kill Theo. Selina had spent the last couple of days following him around to find his location and luckily it wasn't heavily guarded because he didn't want it to seem obvious he stayed there. He knew Jerome was back and knew he had to try and stay hidden from him as long as possible. But he didn't know Selina worked with them so they could use that for their advantage.

But these days had actually been fun because Oswald and Edward were flirting with each other all the time and Jerome had become good friends with them both.

Elena had spent a lot of time out with Selina so she could train on her fighting skills in case things would get messy. Oswald had bragged about Jerome to her and he wanted to work with him to control Gotham together after they had removed Theo for good. And it made Elena excited because them working together was just perfect. They would rule Gotham and it would make Jim stay away for good.

"I want a boyfriend too..I mean I live with couples and it totally bores me." Barbara whined as she braided two braids in Elena's hair as she sat on the bathroom floor. Elena giggled at her but understood her frustration.

"Well..I'm not sure me and Jerome really are a couple." Elena pointed out but Barbara rolled her eyes at her.

"Not yet you mean. You guys are already acting like one so."

And she was right. Jerome would flirt with her and kiss her all the time in front of everyone. He wasn't afraid of showing everyone he cared for her anymore. Now he actually seemed very protective of her and wanted everyone to know she belonged to him, and Elena enjoyed it so much.

"I guess so. We should have brought Jim over to the dark side so you guys can live happily ever after and all that." Elena joked but Barbara took her serious because it was her biggest wish.

"Ahh yes, that would be something. He isn't meant to be with that pretentious bitch Lee. Because she's too blind to see him for who he truly is. He has a dark side but he just tries to cover it because of her." she said frustrated and sighed. Then they both turned their heads as Jerome entered the room.

"Well, guess my work here is done." Barbara said and winked at Elena before she left the room. Jerome let her pass then walked straight over to Elena and placed his hands on her cheeks before he kissed her softly. Every time he surprised her with his kissed she got butterflies in her stomach, it just made her so happy. He pulled away and then noticed her new hairstyle.

"Oo I like you with these! You look good." he said as he played with her braids. She smiled and kissed him again while laying her hands around his neck. He smiled while their lips moved in a perfect synchronized motion. She pulled away and looked him into those beautiful green eyes.

"I never touched anyone else you know? While you were dead, I mean. Because when I worked at the club with Barbara, these men would always try and flirt with me, but I always rejected them with a fat slap to the cheek. I only wanted you even tho I knew you we dead." she said and it made Jerome smile.

"That makes me glad." he said.

"Good. I'm always faithful to my..ehm, friend." she said as she looked away waiting for his reply. But Jerome took her hint.

"Ahh. To your boyfriend you mean?" he said and Elena turned to him ecxited with a wide smile on her face.

"I guess I never asked, but I figured it was obvious. But just to be romantic and because I know you want it soo bad, I'll say it. Elena, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked in a cute way and Elena nodded as she threw her hands around and it made him almost trip.

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