Prologue: Myth or Reality

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Hello Everyone! Thank you for clicking on my story!

I will keep my notes short as possible, but upon multiple requests, I am uploading and revising one of my popular stories from to this site. I have started to improve it and I apologize if I still miss little things.

If you want to read the original (and in great need of editing) but a complete version, feel free to do so under the same user name.

Without further delay, here is...

The Second Heir


The known descendants of Isildur have been lost to time and myths. However, Sauron knew Isildur's heir was still somewhere in Middle Earth, hidden in secret from the world, mainly from him. The once strong and numerous Dunedain of the North have been dispersed and broken to mere shadows of their former glory. However, the race of men may be weak but cannot be underestimated. Sauron did this once and never will do it again. To disband the threat, he sent his trusted servant to Saruman to track these heirs. With knowledge to be gained from his position on the White Council, it would only be a matter of time before the information of this heir was brought to light.

His search took many years, chasing false rumors and dead leads. However, his search brought him to a small elvish village on the outskirts Lorien. Where, Maethriel, daughter of Lileth, a young half-elf lies hidden under Galadriel's watchful eye and Lorien's protection. After generations, Isildur's line has mixed with Elvish blood. Saruman thought this interesting as he gripped his staff tightly knowing this was his last chance to please his master without consequence.

However, Maethriel had no clue of her noble heritage. She was just going throughout her life as any other elf with a mere two centuries under her belt. She now resides in a remote village with her elf father and two younger half-brothers since her mother's passing many years ago.

She is truest to her elf side hiding her human blood for the most part. She is one with nature, good with horses, and can be deadly with a bow. She bears an elf's ears, grace, stamina, and immortal life. However, her light brown hair and green eyes show her human side in slight subtlety.

After confirming the possibility of this girl being of Isildur's line, Saruman took his information to his master. Sauron ordered Saruman to act on the last known heir to Isildur's throne. Once she is gone, then no man could stand against them.


The world is changing. I can feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it.


It seemed to be a normal day to the elves of Hidenil. The sun was shining and the wind blew lightly through the golden trees. That is until a black arrow entered the village killing the first elf. The destruction began on the northern side of the small village. Maethriel was just waking for the day and left her talon only to see the chaos happening below. Orcs were scattered around the village killing and fighting all elves in sight, even elflings. She saw her brothers shooting arrows and her father was on the ground wielding his sword. The beasts were disgusting and killed as if no regret entered them.

"Maethriel, stay where you are! You need to be safe!" Her father shouted turning towards her. His warning was the last words she would ever hear from him as she saw him fall at the blade of an orc.

She grabbed her own bow and most of her arrows, killing at least a dozen of the beasts before jumping to the ground to tend to her father. She had just reached her father only to be grabbed from behind by disfigured, bloody arms. She kicked and screamed as it carried her out of the village. She saw her brothers both cut down in icy hatred and her blood went cold with grief. The last thing she saw was fire being set to the trees and the Lothlorien wardens arriving too late at the opposite part of the village. She knew the face of the one running the fastest through the village towards her. She had seen him countless times before on her birthday as he brought gifts to her from the Lady Galadriel each spring. Haldir, Marchwarden of Lorien. Be he was too late. The damage was done. All hope was lost.

She stopped struggling against her captor because there was nothing left for her to fight for. She was beginning to understand how her kind could die of grief, for her will to live was getting fainter as the moments went by. Her hands were bound and her eyes blindfolded with a strip of cloth. She sighed; her eyes had long lost the ability to produce any more tears. In a matter of an hour, she lost all that mattered to her: her father, her brothers, and her village. What upset her most though, was that she had no idea why the Orcs came in the first place. Her village was a peaceful one, a mere scouting outpost, far from even Lothlorien's dealings. What confused her more was why they spared her life to take her captive?

The Orcs grumbled among themselves as to what was so important about this girl. Even the leader didn't know for certain, but Saruman made it very clear she was of great importance to Sauron himself.

As they attempted to pass south, Maethriel grew weary after little food and water for the past two weeks. However, the Lorien Wardens were closing in so the Orcs then took a path that crossed the mountains not ten days distance from Rivendell in an attempt of losing the elvish trackers.

A few hours after reaching the other side, lost of all strength, she passed out in the forest in the heat of the day. She hit her head on a rock and remained unconscious, nearly breathless. The Orcs took notice but left her assuming the girl was dead.

They passed her body and made haste for Isengard, where an angry Saruman waited for his servants' return. All were unknowing of how their failure would in turn affect the up coming war for Middle Earth. 

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