9. (Lothlorien Pt. 4)

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I woke the next morning feeling better after having a dreamless sleep. It was nice talking to Legolas last night and knowing he supports my decision to continue is even better. Celriana had already been in and laid a soft blue tunic and grey leggings out for me. I pulled my hair back into a braid quickly before heading down to the fellowship's camp. I really hoped to talk to Aragorn before the morning meal.

As I sat my feet down on the ground, I felt the sun hit my back and I sighed at its warmth.

I was honestly nervous to ask the ranger. I looked around and he was sitting by the fire with his pipe speaking to Legolas who had looked up at me with a smile.

"Aragorn could I speak to you for a moment?"

"Yes, of course. What is it Maethriel?" He asked as we left camp.

"There's no easy way to ask, but I wish to continue on with the fellowship. If you would allow it, I want to help. " I looked at him and the expression in his eyes was one of conflict.

"Have you spoken about it to anyone else?"

"Just Legolas, I needed his support before asking you. "

"I have to think about it Mae. Our road may not be safe for an elf maiden. Our initial agreement was to get you to safety. Lothlorien gives you that, the Lady seems fond of you."

"I have been training with Legolas very thoroughly. I would be willing to learn a blade if you taught me. I am not defenseless, I've stood my ground in all our trials thus far."

"It's not that I question your skill with a bow or in self-defense. How can you even consider continuing when you do not know where our path lies?" He sighed.

"I know of your quest to destroy the One Ring and that our dear Frodo carries the biggest burden on Middle Earth. I only wish to help him with his task in whatever ways I can." He seemed shocked I knew of the true nature of our company.

"I will speak with Frodo and the others and let you know soon." I nodded.

It was honestly what I expected. I know there are many things for him to consider. I mean they hardly know me. Legolas is the only one I really spend any amount of time with. The hobbits have finally accepted me and Gimili is slowly coming around. But to take me to Mordor or worse, would they be willing to take that risk?

We returned to camp and I sat next to Legolas who raised an eyebrow.

"What did he say?" He knew exactly why I had pulled the ranger aside.

"He is going to speak to the others."

"As I said last night, you have my support." He said putting a hand on my knee and squeezing gently.

"Thank you, Legolas." I said smiling as we sat waiting for the others to wake. The others slowly stirred and began getting ready for another day but I noticed some rolling things up and packing them away differently than normal.

The morning meal was quiet for the most part. No one said much and it was uncanny. I may be an elf, but I don't like silence, especially this awkward silence.

"Why is everyone so quiet?" I asked trying to address the Oliphant in the room.

"'Cause we're leaving tomorrow." Sam blurted out.

"What?" I looked at Legolas and then at Aragorn. A look of pure guilt covered the elf's face and I knew he spoke the truth. He had no intentions of telling me they were leaving. I furrowed my brow before standing. I didn't know if I was more angry or hurt that he wasn't going to tell me. What if I hadn't had the courage to ask Aragorn this morning? Would they have just left me here?

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