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Chapter 12:

The sun showed it was probably midafternoon and I looked down to check my wound. Blood had seeped through my makeshift bandage but wasn't gushing. I removed it and inspected the wound after rinsing it once. There was less redness around it, which meant I was healing slowly. I placed the bandage back on and took a drink of water. I ate a piece of bread before closing my eyes to rest.

My ears twitched bringing me out of my slumber. I heard voices. My mind must be playing tricks on me because the one sounded like Gandalf. Gandalf fell in Moria. I shook my head and tried to rest again. However, I couldn't; the sounds awoke me not long after that.

"One stage of your journey is over but another begins. We must ride to Edoras with all haste." The voices were very close now.

"Edoras that is no short distance!" It sounded like Gimli. I shifted to look around but saw no one. Great, now the forest is playing tricks on my mind. I could've sworn I heard Aragorn and then Gandalf once more. Now I know I'm hearing things. I saw him fall into the chasm.

"Mary and Pippin are quite safe. In fact, they are far safer than you are about to be. Although, I believe we have one more companion to find." This time the voice sounded as though it was right below me. I shook my head pleading that this torture would end.

"You know where she is?" I heard Aragorn ask.

"Maethriel, dear, where are you hiding? It is safe now." I blinked my eyes slowly and look directly below me and saw Gandalf dressed in white, Aragorn, and Gimili standing below. A smile found my face seeing my friends. But, where was Legolas? My heart stopped had he fell in battle with the Orcs? No, he couldn't have. I fought back the threatening tears.

"Where's Lego...las?" I felt the branch lightly shift under me. I looked up with weary eyes as I saw the one person I wished to see. I put my hand to his cheek to make sure he was real and not a dream or some trick of the mind. He was there before me, living and breathing. I couldn't help my smile growing to a grin. He put his hand on mine and returned my smile.

"I am so relieved you're alive. I thought I had lost you." He said looking me dead on.

"I thought I was gone as well. I feared you went a different route or wouldn't find me." He pulled me into his arms gently and I cried against his shoulder. I relaxed as he held me tight. I took in his pine scent mixed with sweat and put my head on his chest.

"Can you walk?" He asked after just seconds of peace. My happiness had masked the pain of the movements.

"Not fully. I took an arrow to my thigh. I pulled it out just a couple of hours ago." I said looking down. It was the truth but then I realized I would be a burden to them injured.

"Gandalf, travel ahead. We will meet you in Edoras; you must move with haste. Until tended, her wounds would not tolerate the journey. Leave Arod and the healing supplies so I may care for her. " I looked at him with grateful eyes. We all knew Aragorn was the better healer, but I would rather Legolas be the one to care for this wound.

"So be it. Be in Edoras in three days' time; be ever careful for things are not as they were." Gandalf stated flatly and we nodded.

"Glad to see you alive lass. The elf was unbearable in your absence." Gimli said looking up at me with a grin. I smiled.

"My apologies Gimili. I promise to keep him in line here on out."

He chuckled and grinned mischievously.

"It does me much relief to see you again." Aragorn added. But soon they were gone.

"I'm more at peace right now than I have been in many months." I whispered as we shifted to sit side by side on the branch. I winced in pain but it was getting easier to move.

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