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Chapter 5: Fallen

We ran from the tomb as the laughs of goblins and more Orcs were heard in the distance. I pushed harder the further into the darkness we got. Gandalf's staff was our only light source in the darkness once again. As we moved, I picked up the movement of creatures from all sides. They were climbing down the columns and jumping out of the floors. We were surrounded soon after putting some distance between the tomb and us. The creatures stood and taunted us moving their blades in and out of our circle. Legolas had pushed me behind him leaving, him, Gimili, Boromir, Aragorn, and Gandalf to defend the hobbits and me in the middle, which I did not like one bit. I drew my bow and aimed just over Legolas' shoulder at one of the goblins. Its green feline eyes and pale skin were disturbing. It licked its lips as its eyes focused on me.

All of a sudden, there was a low growl-like rumble deep in the far halls. This other stirring in the mine had them scattering. The mass of creatures was gone in mere moments in obvious fear. I felt a shake in the ground and a red and orange glow appeared in the distance.

Everyone relaxed but only for a second as the growl sounded once more. Time to move.

"What new devilry is this?" Boromir asked curiously. I just closed my eyes, fearing this unknown threat. If a legion of goblins ran in fear, what hope was there for us?

"A Balrog, a demon of the ancient world. This foe is beyond any of you. Run!"

"Quickly!" Gandalf said pushing us through another tunnel. We ran until we reached a set of stairs. Legolas pulled Boromir back from almost falling to his death.

"Aragorn, you must lead them on. The bridge is near. Do as I say! Your swords and arrows are no more use here." He ordered the man, pushing him forward. I looked to our right and saw the path of downward stairs we were about to take. The bridge was close indeed. We started down the stairs until we reached a gap. Legolas jumped first then Gandalf and I followed. As I landed, my footing was unsteady but I gained my balance in a few short moments. Arrows started flying in the air almost hitting the stairs around us. Legolas turned, as if it was a reflex, shot quickly, and struck a goblin right in the forehead. That was impressive. Boromir grabbed Merry and Pippin next and jumped. Aragorn tossed Sam then motioned for Gimili.

"Nobody tosses a dwarf!" Gimili protested but as he made the leap, he almost didn't make it. As a last resort, Legolas grabbed his beard.

"Not the Beard!" Nontraditional method but it brought him to safety.

"Stupid Elf." I heard him mumble under his breath as he stroked his beard a few times.

After that, the ground shook again, much more violently. This Balrog was obviously getting closer. I felt the stairs shift. Then I heard a loud crack. A piece of the ceiling fell and made the gap between the two stairs even larger. Aragorn looked nervous, it would take a lot for even him or Legolas to make that leap, let alone a hobbit. Then a second piece of ceiling fell stranding them on an even small section. Finally, a third shaking quake occurred, breaking the support of their stairs. My heart stopped. We couldn't lose Aragorn and Frodo, not now!

"Lean forward!" Aragorn called out to Frodo. As they did, their stairs moved forward and collided with ours in a crash but Boromir caught Frodo and Legolas caught Aragorn. They nodded and we raced further down the stairs until we reached the final corridor before the bridge. Flames surrounded our path on every side now.

"Over the bridge, fly!" Gandalf coaxed. We ran faster seeing the final crossing not far ahead. Gandalf stopped to face the creature as it emerged from the flames, as did I. It was like nothing I'd seen before. Its body was made of coal and flames. Its eyes and mouth glowed white from pure heat that was surly inside of it. I was entranced by it.

The Second HeirOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora