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Chapter 19:

"Is this it? Is this all you can conjure Saruman?" Theoden smirked as it seemed we would hold our ground for the time being.

"My Lord, may I suggest we count our blessings. I believe we can win this battle. Do not mock the Valar!" I snapped.

"Men are still dying. Elves are still dying. This battle is far from over despite our good hopes!" I continued he looked at me and nodded.

"Perhaps you are right, my apologies my lady. It is foolish to be arrogant." He said looking back down to the battle. I had drawn my bow and shot a few killing Uruks that got too close but it was very few that made it past the outer defenses.

My attention was drawn as I heard Aragorn shouting very loudly.

"Bring him down! LEGOLAS!" I looked to where I last saw Legolas and he drew his bow and shot very quickly but looked disappointed.

"Kill him! LEGOLAS KILL HIM!" Legolas shot again and then I saw the explosion of bright light and a sound that was unlike any I heard before.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion, the ground shook then stone and debris flew through the air. I shook my head to clear out the ringing in my ears and blinked to clear the flashes from my sight. Beside me, the king now held a look of awe and I followed his line of sight. There was a large hole in the middle of the Deeping wall, which was thought indestructible. My stomach dropped further as I saw a familiar figure unconscious in the rubble below.

"Aragorn!" I yelled with wide eyes.

"Get up Aragorn!" I yelled once more but my attention was needed elsewhere.

Uruks now entered through the new gap taking out the lower ranks. Then as if things could not get any worse, a second wave of Uruks were marching up the causeway with shields protecting their ranks. I attempted a few shots and managed to knock a few of the beasts down to the ground below but it was not enough. The wave of Uruks produced a battering ram.

"Brace the Gate! Hold them! Stand Firm!" It was not long though before we were outnumbered.

"Attack from the top! Protect the gate at all costs!" I yelled to the men stationed above! Despite my gender, they followed the command and they started throwing whatever objects could be spared at the cluster of Uruks. It seemed to work for the moment as bodies started falling off the causeway bridge. I managed to set my focus back on the ground where Aragorn once lay. He had gotten up and with the help of the elves led a charge against the onslaught of Uruks. I happened to catch a glimpse of Gimli in the shuffle swinging his axe proudly. That left only the blonde elf I held dear to locate. Soon enough, I saw him do a rather unnecessary acrobatic slide down the steps on a shield to rejoin our friends. The three of them would be safe as possible together and it gave me a faint relief.

However, that reprieve was short-lived as the ranks started to lose their ground. More enemies flooded into the fortress. The tides have turned drastically and are not in our favor. Our men were starting to be overwhelmed.

"Aragorn! Fall back to the Keep! Get your men out of there! " Théoden called out to his men below. I saw the ranger acknowledge the order and continue to fight but called out to those around him to do just that.

"Go inside, retreat to the keep, and await Aragorn." The king ordered me. I looked at him agape.

"Now, Maethriel." He said sternly. I narrowed my eyes and glared at the king. Surely, I would be of more use now than ever.

"The rest of you, draw your swords and follow me to the gate!" Once they passed me, I drew my sword and followed anyways.

Once at the lower gate, we started to face the Uruks that had broken through the wooden barricade. Theoden made his way to the front of the gate but was pulled back quickly by Gamling as he took a spear to his shoulder. I took out three with my blade and two with my bow before I felt someone pull me back. Aragon held a questioning glaze and I showed my bloody sword.

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