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Chapter 18:

With Aragorn's assistance, I slowly stood for the first time and took a couple of wobbly steps. Once I was fully upright and steady, he left me to dress on my own accord. He asked I meet him in the armory once I was finished.

I removed my tunic and placed the shirt of chainmail Eowyn had given me at Edoras over my body. Then I placed a dark red tunic over it followed by my archery braces and boots. I walked over to the table and slowly braided my hair to avoid any issues during battle. Next, I reached for my mother's sword. The familiar weight tested my muscles but after a couple of swings, I was reacquainted with the feel. I sheathed it and placed it at my side. Then, I picked up my bow. I ran my hand over the smooth wood before slinging it over my back along with my quiver and headed out of my room. I will fight in this battle to prove I am more than a useless half mortal and worthy of Legolas despite my peredhil blood status.

I walked to the outer wall and overlooked the plains. I could not see the impending army Aragorn claimed was coming but I could certainly sense it. The air was heavy and the sky darkens with each minute that passes. I saw the women and children being shuffled into the caves lying behind the fortress. I felt little arms wrap around my legs and looked down to see Freda. I smiled at her display of affection.

"Miss Mae, are you coming to the caves too?" She asked looking up with her big brown eyes.

"No Freda, I am not but you will be safer there. " I said patting her head.

"What about you? Don't you want to be safe too?"

"I need to protect those I care about, including you, little one." I said kneeling before her and hugging her. I need the embrace more than her little mind could realize.

"Be careful Lady Maethriel. My daughter is very attached to you." Her mother said before pulling her along with the others.

"I will try my best." I said nodding before heading further towards the keep.

I approached the armory only to be stopped by Gamling. I could see the look in his eyes and knew what he was going to ask of me. I narrowed my eyes.

"My Lady, you should be heading to the caves not dressed for battle." He said with a stern authoritative tone.

"Master Gamling, I'd like to see you stop me from aiding your king in this battle. Attempt to do so and you may find yourself on your back with my blade at your neck." I snapped while giving him a glare.

"Gamling, I suggest you step down. She is a strong warrior trained by Lord Aragorn and Prince Legolas in their best weapons." King Théoden said nodding to me.

"Thank you, My Lord." I said with a small smile of thanks.

"Thank you for risking your life for my people. I would be a fool to not accept your blade and bow." I nodded in agreement. We need every available person for this fight to come. I glanced around the crowd of men and boys gathering weapons and armor.

"Lord Aragorn and your other companions are still preparing for battle if that is who you seek." Théoden said seeing me looking around the room.

"I was indeed, but I must receive my orders first." I said bowing my head to the king.

"You answer to your mentors not to me, my lady. They give you your commands for the night unless an ill fate befalls them." With his words, I nodded and left.

I walked back to the corridor in search of the armory. Apparently, there were two according to one guard. So instead of wandering aimlessly, I closed my eyes and slowly listened. I stilled myself and let my senses take over as I had with Legolas that night so long ago. I heard the pattern of men moving around the fortress, conversations, women and children crying, but I set my focus for three voices: Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas. Naturally, it was Legolas' voice I picked up first. I didn't want to listen at the moment, but where he was Aragorn usually wasn't far.

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