Chapter 10- Epilogue

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Alex POV

Two months later

*Kara's wedding got post-poned following the events of Cadmus*

"Kara you look absolutely stunning" I said as I watched her twirl in her wedding dress.

"I feel amazing. And nervous. And like im about to puke. Alex why am I so nervous?" she rambled as she fidgeted with her engagement ring again.

"Relax, it's normal. It's you're wedding day, even the all mighty kryptonian can get nervous on her wedding day" We both laughed as Kara straightened her glasses.

"Alex" She said as she turned to look at me.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"What if I mess this up? What if Lena decides im not what she wants anymore? What if-" I cut her off.

"Hey. Its okay, Lena loves you, More than anyone else. Trust me I see the way she looks at you, how she worries about you everytime you go out there even though she knows you can handle yourself, how she ALWAYS talks about you, I mean really she wont shut up it gets annoying" we both laughed.

"The point is," I continued. "You love her and she loves you, so you'll be fine" I rubbed her back reassuringly.

"Thanks Alex" She smiled and gave me a quick hug.

"Alex, time to go we're about to start" Mom said as she walked in on us.

I turned to Kara "You gonna be okay?" She nodded and I followed my mom out.

I walked down the aisle and spotted Maggie sitting at the front and I went up to her.

"Hey" I said and she got up and gave me a quick kiss. "Hey" she said with a smile and we both stood on opposite sides, as I was Kara's bride maid and Maggie was Lena's.

A few moments later Lena walked out, looking absolutely beautiful, but since she didn't want any of her family at the wedding James was walking her down the aisle, he let go of her as she stood next to Maggie who gave Lena a reassuring smile.

I turned my head to see Kara walking down, Jeremiah accompanying her. Once I saw her and Lena, and how beautiful they both looked It got me thinking about Maggie, so I turned to look at her and how she was absolutely breath-taking. I started to tear up just thinking about how much I loved her, and I knew I couldn't lose her ever again.

Kara stood next to me.

"Hey Its okay" she said once she saw that I had been crying and I just smiled at her.

"Before we start the ceremony, would anyone like to say a few words?" the priest asked.

I thought about it for a moment, as I glanced at Maggie who had already been looking at me and she smiled.

I turned to Kara and she gave me a confused look so I pulled her closer and whispered "Im about to crash your wedding with some soppy hopeless romantic words, do you mind?"

Kara laughed slightly "I mean youd kinda steal all the spotlight from my wedding but.." I rolled my eyes at her. "Im joking, go ahead I know how much you love Maggie" I nodded and smiled gratefully as Kara went back to her position.

"Actually, I would" I said and he signalled for me to stand in his place.

I walked to the podium and took a deep breath, both Lena and Kara were smiling at me, while Maggie had a bit of a confused look on her face.

"We're here today to celebrate these two wonderful women who are declaring their love for each other forever" I started off, shaking a bit.

"I watched these two grow closer and closer for years, I watched them become fast friends and I watched them fall in love. Never have I seen two people who care so deeply for each other in my life. And I know that they will forever cherish each other" I paused for a moment, taking a quick glance at Maggie before continuing.

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