Chapter 8

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Maggie's POV

I got to the Air Force base as quickly as possible, Kara insisted that I take backup with me so I had a few DEO agents and a few of my fellow cops.

Walking around the vacated runway, we made sure to look everywhere. Just as I was about to give up J'onn caught my attention.

"Sawyer! Down here! There's a trap door" He said and I quickly ran over to him, he tried kicking it a few times but it wouldn't budge.

"Stand back" I said and he moved away as I aimed my gun at the latch, one shot and it busted open.

"Well that worked" I rolled my eyes at him and we all went down, following me into the base.

We ran into a couple of guards but nothing to hard to handle, one of them tried to sneak up on me but J'onn shot him before he could get to me.

"Thanks" He nodded and we continued to treck through the dark hallways, I took a left turn and at the end of the hallway was a door, I kicked it open and slowly walked in, once I had a good look around I realized this was their experiment room. a few people were in cells next to us and others were unconscious.

"We have to get them out of here" J'onn said and I gave him a sad look as I agreed.

"No Maggie, you go find Alex. We've got this" I nodded and asked a few agents to come with me as they called the police for backup.

I walked through almost every hallway and there was still no sign of Alex, I kept calling out her name and no reply.

"Tough luck, Sawyer" someone said to me as I turned to look at them.

Mike Dunkins.

"I should've known you'd be here" I said roughly, pointing a gun at him.

"Hey hey, no need for violence, Im not here on cadmus orders" He raised his hands up and I slowly put my gun down.

"Then what are you here for?" I asked cautiously.

"I bet you're here looking for Alex" I nodded. "Do you know where she is?"

"No" He said as my backup aimed their guns at him

"Look, all I do know is that she isn't here. This isn't cadmus' only base. But I can help you find her"

"And what makes you think we'll trust you?" J'onn said as he appeared next to me.

"Cadmus killed my wife because she was an alien, I joined them as an inside man for the FBI. I never intended on hurting anyone, the attack on the president wasn't me, but I made it seem like it was so that Lillian wouldn't catch on that I was a spy. let me help you please, I want to avenge my wife" he said sincerely.

"Lower your weapons guys" I said as Mike nodded in thanks.

"So Mike. Where to?" I asked and just as he was about to answer J'onn cut him off.

"to the DEO. We need to report back and run some tests on him, who knows what Cadmus has done to him"

Following J'onn out as he grabbed Mikes arm, we made our way back to the DEO.


Flashback (Alex's POV)

"Hey Winn, have you seen Maggie today?" I asked him as he was taking books out of his locker. "Nope, havn't seen her at all today. Why?" he turned to me as he closed his locker.

"Oh just want to talk to her about something, let me know if you see her okay?" He nodded.

The bell rang signaling that the next period started and I quickly made my way to AP calculus.

I sat down in my usual seat in the back, next to where Maggie sits. But she wasnt there.

'maybe she's just late' I thought as I looked at the clock. 10 minutes have past and she still didnt come to class. I started to get worried, so I texted her.

Hey sawyer, where you at?

As I hit send I looked up to see the teacher giving me a nasty look.

"Danvers. No phones in class. Do I have to confiscate it from you?"

"No Mrs. Rivers" I said and quickly put my phone away.

The class was taking forever to end and I just got more and more worried as Maggie hasn't replied to my text yet and she didn't come to class.

As soon as the bell rang I grabbed my back and practically flew out of class as I ran through the hallways, running into Lena I quickly stopped.

"Luthor!" I said as she walked over to me.

"Hey Alex, whats wrong?" She asked as she hugged the books she was holding tightly to her chest.

"Have you seen Maggie? She hasn't shown up to class and she won't answer my texts" I said pulling out my phone.

"I think I saw her going into the principles office with her dad earlier today" she said curiously.

"Ok, thanks!" I said and I dashed towards the principles office, running down a hallway I saw Maggie walking out the main gate , tears visible on her face.

"Hey Maggie!" I called out and she turned to look at me, complete sorrow written all over her. I stopped in my tracks and the smile on my face disappeared as her dad grabbed her arm, she mouthed 'im sorry' as she turned and looked at the ground while her dad led her out of the gate.

Somehow, I knew this would be the last time I see her. And that tore my heart into pieces.


Maggie's POV

"Maggie!" Kara called out as she ran over to me, wearing her supergirl suit.

"Hey" I said sadly.

"Alex wasn't there?" She asked as I saw her expression change from fear to sorrow to anger.

"No she wasn't-" J'onn cut me off. "But we did manage to catch this excuse of an agent" Kara looked at Mike and suddenly her eyes burned with pure hatred.

"Where's Alex?!" she yelled as she grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt lifting him up.

"Ka-" I was about to say when I remembered that not everyone here knows shes supergirl. "I mean Supergirl, Relax, he doesn't know, but he promised to help and he's got good reason so please put him down" I said and she slowly let him go, he fell to the ground and held his hand on his throat as he rubbed it while breathing heavily.

"Sorry, got carried away" she said and I rolled my eyes.

"Right. Now that that's over, maybe we can get back to trying to find Alex?" Winn said and we all turned to look at him.

"Tell me you have a lead" I said and walked over to him.

"Nothing yet, no, but with Mike here we might be able to track her down but it'll take a while maybee a few hours-" I cut him off angrily. "A few hours?! She's been missing for two days! God knows where they have her or what they're doing to her! Oh God what if they're experimenting on her?!? What of they have her locked up in some cage like an animal what if-" Kara held my arm.

"Hey Maggie, it's okay, this is Alex we're talking about, she can handle herself while we find her, in the mean time I think you should go home. Get some rest, you look like you could use it"

"But I can't sleep knowing Alex is in danger" Kara gave me a sympathetic look.

"She's my sister, im worried as hell. But it wont help by pointing it out and making everything worse. Come on, lets head back to my place and as soon as they find a lead we'll come okay?" I sighed but nodded in agreement anyway.

Oh God Alex, please be okay. Hold on for me...


Feedback is greatly appreciated :) hope you enjoyed this chapter! Leave a comment and let me know how y'all think about the story so far ;)


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