In Space... The Time That Time Tends To Take.

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This is the time.

This is my time.

This, is the time that time itself tends to take from the world. It's these brief moments that most don't realize existed. Its not one of those moments where you've been rushing around all day, running errands, then turn around and say "Wow, where did the time go?". This is different, as what happens in this time doesn't really count for anything.

You could say it's one of the benefits of being a Time Traveler.

Some call it the quiet time, the nothingness, the forgotten time, frozen time.

I call it my time. This time, is Curtis Young time.

To explain it better, one must first understand the Time Traveler. Its not a simple thing to comprehend. A Time Traveler is not some crazy, devoted scientist, who spent their entire life dedicated to the study of time. No. Time travel is simply improbable, the fundamentals of it merely impossible. There's the double time stream or 'traveling back in time' and seeing you from the past. Or future you that is really from the past, which would be far too messy and makes your head hurt trying to work it out. So it's a myth, legend, far beyond the reach of so many, unless of course you are chosen. That's right, a Time Traveler is chosen. Stolen from their time period at a precise moment, usually at a moment during a great tragedy or error with cataclysmic consequence. The chosen one is destine to become a Time Traveler, to study their world and the build up to what went wrong. Regrettably they are unable to go back in time to prevent this event from happening, however, they must travel through time and meet others to help them from making similar mistakes.

I am from a planet known as Earth, from the year 2345. A great prophet on my world once said 'the second time the 4 digits of the year run in sequence, it would bring the great end to it all.' He was actually pretty spot on. Luckily we had just started experimenting with living on other planets and space travel so there are a few of us Earth kind out there. Take AJ for example... Ok his circumstance is different and has no relativity to time travel. He was stolen from his world by a Whitbaylorith and didn't travel through time. Inter-dimensional world travel maybe? Making a another time line I guess. Like you know when some authors will use the same character's in another book and we all know its the same character but they don't reference it. The AJ paradox is like that. That's another story, my point is, he got out, so there are some of us Earth kind still around.

So yes, there are Time Travelers out there, traveling in time, teaching others; so they don't make the same mistakes again and history does not repeat itself. Sounds great in theory the effectiveness of it all however I believe is up to the individual.

How does one travel in time?

Cosmic question?

One of the many tricks, commonly known to those who have dealt with a Time Traveler, is 'The Wild Card'.

Wild Card's are gifts from Ancients Ones. Beings who have lived for endless periods of time, they usually appear out of nowhere to share their wisdom and guide their time traveling friends. The Ancients Ones are scattered throughout time and space, can take any form, and usually make the Time Traveler prove their worth of the Wild Card they posses. Once that Wild Card is given the Ancient One is then freed and released from this life. They are explained in time travel training, as a reward for good work, which can do many wonders to get you out of the most dangerous of situations. Honestly, its all a bit of risk and guess work. As one never knows what the wild card is going to do.

Time Travelers can attempt to control a Wild Card but majority of the time it never goes to plan. It's the last part that falls to pieces, the end game, the destination. While its all well and good to pick the vehicle your going to take, where you end up? That's where things get tricky.

First is the Time Stop.

The Time Stop is the easiest of all the Wild Card tricks. It's all in the flick of the wrist and the spin of the card. After so many turns, as the card begins to slow, everything around it gradually brings time itself to a halt. The result, my time starts.

The Time Traveler is immune to a Time Stop. This is when they must ask for an escape or protection; for father time to work some time traveling magic. It's known as the 'In the time of need prayer'. My favorite, the Wild Card trick I hope for most often, is the Worm Hole. Yes it's the most dangerous and generally incurs a random outcome, but we all need a little randomness in our lives. It makes us feel alive.

Let me demonstrate.

Generally, I don't like to move during my time, it freaks people out. You have to explain how you've suddenly moved from one side of a room to another. Lesson one, not moving saves explanations. Now depending on the Wild Card, they send off a signal once removed from its packet, if this signal is amplified with The Strap (A gadget worn by the Time Traveler that straps around their body), the Time Worm can sense it. If there is one thing a Time Worm loves to eat, its a Wild Card. A little far fetched I know, I didn't believe it when I first saw it either and this is probably the reason only Time Travelers can witness this as its just too bizarre.

To put it all in perspective, take the current situation our hopeless Captain has got us in right now. At this moment in time, out the front view screen I see a froze image of something forming. A swirling of darkness in the already blackness of space, shimmering with a silver sparkle to it, like glitter. I feel the ship slowly getting drawn in to the forming Worm Hole as it does the Wild Card does not budge. As it gets closer to the ship I can make out a creature coming through the Worm Hole, a massive purple glowing worm, ripping a hole in space, making a path to reach its destination. A path better known as a Worm Hole. Now, this is where things get a little revolting. You see the Wild Card is in the ship, the ship is luckily surrounded by a force field so when the Space Worm attempts to eat the Wild Card it gets a mouthful of ship and crewmen. As the Space Worm cannot penetrate the force field the ship gets spit out into the Worm Hole, hurling it through space, leaving the Wild Card behind for the Space Worm to devour. Once the Space Worm has eaten the Wild Card, destroying it, time slowly starts once again.

Yes the worm hole is my favorite way to travel and I get the full experience, while the crew just assume a Worm Hole appeared out of no where and we were just sucked in to it, I see all the magic and how it works. But I guess some wouldn't appreciate the magic of time travel if they knew how it really worked and would they ever believe me if I told them. I mean what would you prefer to believe really happened...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2018 ⏰

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