In Space... Wild Card!

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Captain Zaine marched down the corridor, his long legs taking large strides as he briskly made his way back to the control room. Sudury tottered along closely behind, trying to keep up, 'but Captain...' she called out to Zaine.

'The oracle has spoken priestess, what sort of being would I be not to listen when she has spoken?' he answered in a stern tone.

'You're Whitbaylorith. Your race is known for never keeping your word and the only being you listen to, is yourself. Do not play the faith card with me captain.' Her eyes narrowing as she spoke.

'Are you not a Priestess? She being the higher power you must obey her command. Spiritual being, belief and the powers that be may not be my strong point, however, last time I checked the table of all mightiness, Oracle was a little higher than Priestess.'

'I am a Moon Priestess! There is a difference. I answer to nobody except the ways of Atoria.'

Captain Zaine came to a halt, spun round to face Sudury, who almost ran into him in her frustration. She looked him up and down, his hands on his hips and she knew she was in for one of his lectures. She scolded herself for once again not keeping her mouth shut but she just couldn't help it; he wound her up and she knew deep down he enjoyed doing it.

'On my ship, I am the Captain. You answer to me. If I say something, it goes. I ask you to do something, you do it. Got that moon priestess?'

She wanted so bad to rebel but she knew the Captain was ruthless. She never could fully trust him and knew if she crossed the line she could end up in the brig with The Oracle.

'Understood Captain Zaine,' Sudury mumbled and glanced down at her feet.

She thought back to the day she first met the captain; her moon had been under attack by goblins, his ship happened to be flying past and answered her distress call. The moment she laid eyes on him she knew he was Whitbaylorith- she recognized those pointy ears, the certain glow in their eyes and the charm that oozed out of them like an Aractilob's blood once you've sliced them in two. Although she had never met a Whitbaylorith before, only heard stories of their ways. Sudury knew she had a better chance of fighting off the goblins than getting along with him. But he obviously wanted her for some reason, as the heroical smile, the understanding ear, the glowing radiant aura that surrounded him. All things Sundry now hated about him so much.

'I'm glad we have that sorted, now open the door crewman.' The Captain ordered.

Sudury glanced back up at the captain, then over to the button to open the door. She knew he was being petty to prove his point. The button was clearly closer to Zaine than Sudury, in fact if the Captain moved a tiny fraction closer he could knock the button with his hand accidently. Sudury  shook her head, reached passed Zaine to press the button.

'He's never going to go along with it,' she said as they entered the control room.

AJ was in a fluster; he was frantically rushing around from one station to the next pushing buttons and flicking switches, while Curtis stood at his station literally staring into space.

'Curtis, are you going to do something? We have pirates incoming from every direction, not to mention the shattering asteroids sending chunks of rock our way,' AJ shouted frazzled.

'In fact my friend Mr. Young is going to do something,' The Captain announced making his entrance.

'Captain how was the Lady Penelope, any words of wisdom to save us?' Curtis asked with sarcasm dripping off every word. Sudury raced over to her station and started to analyze the graphs and squiggly lines on her screens.

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