30. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 5)

Start from the beginning

Vitale said "Your father should have insisted on a service on your territory. The old Don won't let the Irish walk all over him without sending his message out. He always makes a statement."

Vincenzo said "I am going for the entertainment. Don't worry I will make some statements while I am there and so will our family. Keep your head high and don't let the Irish push you to the back of the church. We want front row seats reserved."

Vitale said "Finally. Is that the church I see from here?"

Vincenzo said "Yes it is."

Vitale said "The church is Sicily is enormous. I wish I was there now. I wonder if my father is already inside and praying."

Vincenzo chuckled as he was looking outside "You have mentioned your father too often today Vitale. You can call your father if you miss him. But Uncle Pietro must be quite busy these days especially since my grandpa refuses to help him around Christmas time."

Vitale sighed "Uncle Paulo has a problem with Christmas and any festive season that involves church. You know, it surprises me sometimes how your father doesn't act like Uncle Paulo. How come going to church is allowed in your household here? Your mother is religious but your father isn't."

Vincenzo said "Probably because my grandpa Paulo despises church. Anything my grandpa despises must have some kind of appeal to my father My father permits it because my grandfather hates it. Welcome to the Rosario family Christmas."

Vitale said "I don't think your father will ever forgive Uncle Paulo. Can you fix it?"

Vincenzo turned to Vitale "I don't think it's anything that needs to be fixed. My father has made it clear he doesn't want anything to do with his father. Sometimes I wonder why. I do wonder what my grandpa did to make my father hate him so much. Every time I ask I get no detailed answers from my father. He forbids me from digging deeper. I respect his wishes. He doesn't wish to revisit the past. To tell you the truth neither do I. Living in the past is for much later. I have the FBI investigators to battle with plus rivals and enemies who may come at me from any direction any time any day. Family matters can be resolved once I find and secure my place."

Vitale asked "When do you think that day will come?"

Vincenzo said "When I marry my Terza."

Vitale said "You believe that? You think when you marry her it is when you are ready to find your place?"

Vincenzo said "Yes."

Vitale said "You love her a lot."

Vincenzo said "She loves me too. She takes me with my flaws. She forgave me after all I did was hanging out with your girl as pretence. I think she will try to take revenge on me by hanging out with guys. She already does it. I have seen her with other guys she works with. She wonders why she doesn't ever see them again."

Vitale said "People want her introduced in Sicily. Is she coming back with you?"

Vincenzo said "She is not ready. Not yet."

Vitale said " I guess times are changing now. We are ones to break tradition. So you probably can break the rules here. Maybe bring her when you marry her."

Vincenzo said "I wouldn't say that. I say we are ones to make traditions rather than break them. What makes you think we will be less traditional. Look around you. This is Christmas Eve 1979. Jimmy carter is the Democrat ruling this country. The next one in the White House will be a conservative I bet you leading us all through the 1980s bringing back old traditions ..."

Vitale asked "Will you vote for republicans or democrats in the next election?"

Vincenzo said "Neither of them will be good for us. Makes no difference. Both parties will come after us. Republicans will bring tax cuts for the rich I bet and democrats will reduce taxes for the poor when they come to power after that in the 90s. It's a roller coaster in politics. One cuts taxes and one increases it. Neither will win in the end for long if you think about it. This decade will be just dark times for our kind of people. So we will oppose anyone in power and make sure we weaken them. We have journalists for that to dig deep for dirt on politicians. They do a good job causing distractions."

Vitale said "Have FBI ever made a move on your family in America to cause any panic recently?"

Vincenzo said "Not yet. They have nothing on us. If we get any accusations it would be coming from the weaker ones getting caught early on. But of course if anyone is in danger of getting caught they die before they are arrested. My father will issue death sentences if any of our associates get caught. Either that or they kill themselves before it happens. The weak never survive."

Just then the car halted and it was time to get off. Vincenzo said "I will see you inside the church." He then opened the car door as the car halted. He spotted Terza standing nearby with some Irish girls. He walked to her slowly looking at her intensely.

Terza felt his eyes on her as she saw the reaction in the eyes of the girls she was talking to. Before she knew it the girls dispersed. Terza turned around and sighed. She saw him right in front of her "Hi. Your people are early."

Vincenzo put his hand on his heart "We want to get to sit on good seats with good view of the front of the church ... But why do you say "Your People." My people are yours. Come on. Now about what you said to me over the phone.... You really don't think I let you throw snow balls at my people from the Irish side. Do you? You are mine Terza. Mine."

Terza said "I don't even want to argue Vincenzo. It's Christmas. This is a night of peace."

Vincenzo said "With your future husband every night is a night of peace."

Terza gasped "What is wrong with you? You are on Irish territory Vincenzo. I suggest you don't call yourself my future husband. People won't like to hear you refer to yourself this way."

Vincenzo said "Terza. What about you? Do you mind it? I bet you don't. Why would you mind hearing the obvious?"

Terza said "You are unbelievable Vincenzo. You are a dreamer. Dream on."

Vincenzo said "Am I? Sure. I dream on."

Terza didn't mind Vincenzo as long as he didn't make a scene. They made their way inside the church and he sat across from her on the Italian side of the church.

For the evening vigil the Italians and Irish listened side by side to the reading by the priest under the candle lights that illuminated the church.

The priest started "For Zion's sake I will not be silent, for Jerusalem's sake I will not be quiet, until her vindication shines forth like the dawn and her victory like a burning torch."

This took Vincenzo to the past. He had the text memorised. Once he had said it out loud in his room on a day when his grandpa was in the room. He didn't like that of course. As a small boy he didn't know how much his grandpa hated the church.

Grandpa had a rant at him that day " There is no victory in religion and church going Vincenzo. Don't ever read out any thing they teach you. Who sends you to Sunday school? I bet it's your mother. One day I will make her regret it if she makes you religious."

Vincenzo didn't appreciate that promise. Later on he had made it clear to his grandpa how much his mother meant to him. His grandpa hadn't ever brought his mother up again.

As the priest read out the rest it finally reached his favourite part. This part was special.

"Alleluia, alleluia. Tomorrow the wickedness of the earth will be destroyed: the Savior of the world will reign over us. Alleluia, alleluia."

For some reason he loved this part and always anticipated it. He whispered it with the priest word for word. This was what his life was about. Hope. He lived with hope. Tomorrow was always promised to be a better day and Vincenzo knew he had to be the one to make it better. He couldn't do it alone. He needed his family. Protecting his family was all he cared for.

Tonight was the deadline for those who owed his grandfather money. Tonight he was going to show those who thought they could wrong a Rosario and get away with no consequence. Tonight was night of reckoning.

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